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How Much Play-barking Do You Allow?


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As the topic says - how much do you allow when you own multiple dogs?

I normally allow a few barks before I head out with the hose and tell them to shut-up to avoid neighbour complaints (even though we are semi-rural we still have neighbours and I don't want to disturb them) but I think I'm a bit OTT. What do you personally consider acceptable?

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Not much because I'm in suburbia. Even when I visit friends in a rural area,I won't allow mine to go barking crazy - even if they let theirs do it.

Some of my neighbours here have barking dogs, I don't like it if it occurs early in the morning or during the night but it doesn't worry me if it's in the daytime.

That said, when I had two young fosters that played and barked, I did get a complaint so I've never had young fosters since then and never had another complaint.

Everyone has different tolerance levels but I don't believe in pushing my luck.

Edited by dogmad
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Depends on the time of day .. At night I will only allow a couple of barks before I tell them to be quiet, during the day a bit longer but I don't let them bark in excess ... Our next door neighbour works nightshirt until 5 am so I try to keep the noise to a minimum.

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The play barking and growling isn't really an issue for me. I'll only tell the dogs to knock it off when they start getting too feral and into it. Kirah Little loves roughing and tumbling with big brother Zeus, but sometimes I think Zeus forgets she's still only half his size and weight.

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Barking can be annoying for neighbours.... can also be annoying for me.....

My dudes usually only get up and excitment barking when I take them for a run thru the paddocks - during this play is the usual time we get the bark... usually the one lagging behind or not involved in the tug of war that is the one barking, so after a couple of minutes I tell the barker off... but at the same time don't want to stop the games.....

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As long as it's not at night I let mine go, normally they only make growley noises when they play anyway. The kids next door make more noise playing than my dogs ever could.

If they bark it's usually alert barking and I stop that immediately.

Edited by Aussie3
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I'm pretty strict. We live in an urban area & I am mindful of neighbours. I keep my dog inside when we are out for that reason & I will tell her off if she barks unnecessarily.

Interestingly though, we have moved out of our house while renovating & when visiting our house recently, I've noticed that there is another dog somewhere who sounds exactly like Honey & has been barking a lot. Which explains why one of my neighbours made a passing comment about her barking once. It suprised me at the time, knowing she's usually inside, & hopefully by now they've realised they were wrong!

Edited by dee lee
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They usually have their crazy zoomies type play after dinner (around 5-6pm) and they are allowed to bark for a few minutes while playing but I usually shush them after a while. I can't stand dogs barking constantly and seeing as I have 4 dogs in suburbia I don't want to upset neighbours. All dogs sleep inside at night and when we go out the 2 small dogs are kept inside as they are the ones that would bark the most.

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I'm lucky, mine don't play bark at all.

However if they tug with one another they might have a bit of a play growl, which sounds a bit like lions :laugh: They only do this if they are with us and we are outside at the time. We allow it for about 15 seconds, but if the growling gets loud we call it off even sooner cause we don't want to scare or upset the neighbours.

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Given the renters on either side of me are getting worse with each passing year, I calm my dogs down but don't punish them in anyway if they give off a few excited barks, particularly when we are just arriving home. If I have to put up with yelling and screaming and fighting from my neighbours then they can put up with a couple of happy yaps from my dogs.

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Given the renters on either side of me are getting worse with each passing year, I calm my dogs down but don't punish them in anyway if they give off a few excited barks, particularly when we are just arriving home. If I have to put up with yelling and screaming and fighting from my neighbours then they can put up with a couple of happy yaps from my dogs.

Same here :laugh:

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We've got dog loving neighbours on one side who we're good friends with, so we check in with them regularly to see if our two are making too much noise.

We do try and limit our girls barking, since she likes to talk with the neighbourhood dogs at 5am

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