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Greyhound Muzzling Exemptions


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We just got back from the vet. Paige and Brandi had a spat. Paige ended up with a gash under her eye needing stitches and two puncture wounds in her neck, one of which was three cm deep and just missed her jugular. $700 later and she's home. Muzzles will now be on at all times till things settle.

As for muzzles, I go by what I'm told when I turn up but muzzles are on as the default....

...and that's how quickly it can happen, in the blink of an eye. Hope Paige is ok BnW, I sympathise, I've been there.

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We just got back from the vet. Paige and Brandi had a spat. Paige ended up with a gash under her eye needing stitches and two puncture wounds in her neck, one of which was three cm deep and just missed her jugular. $700 later and she's home. Muzzles will now be on at all times till things settle.

As for muzzles, I go by what I'm told when I turn up but muzzles are on as the default....

...and that's how quickly it can happen, in the blink of an eye. Hope Paige is ok BnW, I sympathise, I've been there.

I've also been there (very recently, too) and yep, it's not fun :( For two weeks after, I did a rotation of crates and muzzles to keep the peace. Things are still very tense now but management of triggers is helping. Worst part is.. the instigator isn't even suitable for rehoming (not by a long shot) but if I do the right thing and PTS, I can look forward to abusive emails and my rescue being very publicly dragged through the mud by people with nothing better to do with their time than sit on Facebook and trash ethical rescue. And people wonder why I so desperately want to quit rescue..

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Not fun at all! Brandi is pretty depressed just now. Paige had a quiet night (and I know this because I was awake most of the night it feels like). Muzzling and crating will now happen as a matter of course until we figure out what's going on. These are two dogs who have lived together for over two yeas with no problems but then we moved house and introduced a third. So hopefully this is a blip, albeit an expensive one! Because I don't want to rehome either and PTS is just not something I can consider, although it would be considered if necessary. Definitely last resort.

Hugs to you Maddy! Talk about the proverbial rock and hrd place.

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I'd rather put myself through harassment on Facebook then open up an avenue of risk. If the dog can't be rehomed, you have no choice anyway. Being ethical means you have to do what it right for the dog, not the nutcases on social media.

Take a sabbatical from FB for a while after it is done and refuse to enter into disucssuion from supporters or non supporters regarding the decision on and off social media.

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I'd rather put myself through harassment on Facebook then open up an avenue of risk. If the dog can't be rehomed, you have no choice anyway. Being ethical means you have to do what it right for the dog, not the nutcases on social media.

Take a sabbatical from FB for a while after it is done and refuse to enter into disucssuion from supporters or non supporters regarding the decision on and off social media.

Oh, don't get me wrong- the dog will certainly not be rehomed. But for the moment, it's just not something I can cope with doing so she stays. I have enough christmas related stress to deal with, without giving the AR nutjobs more reason to stalk me and my family.

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Oh, don't get me wrong- the dog will certainly not be rehomed. But for the moment, it's just not something I can cope with doing so she stays. I have enough christmas related stress to deal with, without giving the AR nutjobs more reason to stalk me and my family.

So sad that people can judge others without being in their shoes

You will do what you think is right.

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