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Showing Teeth


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I am showing a minor puppy at present and have found he is still very naughty on the table when the judge is looking at his teeth. Very wiggly and reluctant to show teeth. I thought I did everything right as a baby with his training but he has got worse!! Any training ideas would be appreciated.

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No idea about showing .. but perhaps just spend a minute or two several times a day lifting lips/opening mouth ..rubbing gums /treat & repeat ? I do that a lot with any puppies we have here..first when they're being cuddled ... then as time passes..when they are sitting waiting for something ..or anytime really .... I must admit ..never have done it so a stranger can then step in ....

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What methods did you exactly use.

I tend to find people go over board when training pups to mouth ,here its a case of less is more .

All our dogs mouth well but we don't practice like crazy given the teething process.

They now how to be mouthed & accept it but it isn't a thing we train over & over .

I check my guys mouth in the bath each week & they get there teeth brushed but basically mouthing when a pup isn't done as part of show training at all

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I had a baby that was a horror to mouth so I took him around the shows and got everyone I knew to mouth him. Every time he was good he got a treat. Worked after a little while.

I had one that, while he wasn't a horror, didn't like a stranger mouthing him so did the same, went around and asked people to mouth him. Worked very quickly.

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What methods did you exactly use.

I tend to find people go over board when training pups to mouth ,here its a case of less is more .

All our dogs mouth well but we don't practice like crazy given the teething process.

They now how to be mouthed & accept it but it isn't a thing we train over & over .

I check my guys mouth in the bath each week & they get there teeth brushed but basically mouthing when a pup isn't done as part of show training at all

I agree :thumbsup: and remember you don't need to open the mouth all the time just lift the lips to check the bite.

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I agree :thumbsup: and remember you don't need to open the mouth all the time just lift the lips to check the bite.

I wish some judges would remember that. I actually wish that baby puppies didn't have to be mouthed at all... their teeth can be all over the place - if they have any at all! And they are usually sore in their mouth more often than not. Also what a baby puppy has for a bite is often not an indication of whether they will have a correct bite as an adult anyway. If it was beneficial in teaching them to be mouthed when older that is one thing but often rough judges just make it harder! I love the friendly quiet judges who just slip a quick finger into the baby's mouth to make sure there is nothing really bad going on :thumbsup:

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Have you played the 'Gotcha Game'?

The 'GOTCHA'game is great for dogs who don't feel comfortable beinghandled. In 1-2weeks if you practice it daily you should have a dogthat enjoys being handled.

You can see a video with the basic concept here:


Once you watch the above, head to the below video which shows a 6 month oldGreat Dane who has been through the basic principals of this technique.

This video shows handling including what many would call inappropriate handling- this was to teach her to not be worried about when judges or otherpeople don't handle her appropriately and also covering bases of how childrencan inappropriately approach and handle dogs - + Great Danes being a bit of anovelty can attract inappropriate handling from the general public.

Edited by sas
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Have you played the 'Gotcha Game'?

The 'GOTCHA'game is great for dogs who don't feel comfortable beinghandled. In 1-2 weeks if you practice it daily you should have a dog that enjoys being handled.

You can see a video with the basic concept here:


Once you watch the above, head to the below video which shows a 6 month oldGreat Dane who has been through the basic principals of this technique.

This video shows handling including what many would call inappropriate handling- this was to teach her to not be worried about when judges or other people don't handle her appropriately and also covering bases of how children can inappropriately approach and handle dogs - + Great Danes being a bit of a novelty can attract inappropriate handling from the general public.

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