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2014 Training Goals


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I will start! :D

Do it or Elsie CDX UDX JD RN


Win a novice class

Get a clear round in intermediate

Win out of Jumpers B (0/3 wins gained) and earn JDX title

Earn AD title (0/2 passes gained)


Win out of special beginners (0/2 wins gained)

Win a novice class

Earn CDX silver title


Earn RA title (0/3 passes gained)

Tracking & working trials

Graduate into level 2 tracking (1/2 passes gained)

Earn 2x UDX passes (1/2 gained)

Teach soiled area search

Improve sendaway & redirect

Trial at WD level, a WD or WDX pass would be a bonus!

For me

New puppy maybe?? :D

Edited by DiscoDobe
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- Get a start on her Tracking Title.

- Get a BH.

- If we get a BH, get an IPO tracking title.

- Investigate, and possibly compete in Rally O

- Enter a few shows.


- Get a start on her Tracking Title.

(purely for fun!)

ETA: For Willow...Greet people calmly and without over enthusiastic flailing of fore limbs. (I fear, this will be by far the harder of all our goals. :cry:)

Edited by Dory the Doted One
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We are going to have a bit of an easy (cheap!) year this year in regards to trialling but I have a few goals;


Ch. Ximinez Driver Reviver AFCH

Get his RN (only one pass needed, no rush as he won't be doing higher levels)

Start tracking

Give tunnelers in Nadac a whirl

Enter enough shows to get his neuter championship


Ch. Magpielane Rebel Wind RA FM

RE....get a few passes towards his RAE

Have a go at NADAC

Start tracking

Get a 0.000 start in flyball! (always get so so close :p)

Remain fit and healthy


Ch. Sherbrooke Living On A Prayer ADX JDX GD RA FM

Jovi has one goal this year, to have a safe uncomplicated pregnancy and birth of at least one girl puppy thank you :p

I will probably end up accomplishing nothing in regards to the boys as, if all going according to plan Jovi will take up alot of time and money from March onwards :laugh: Spoilt little bitch :p

Edited by tollersowned
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Ohutu Gaelic Blues CDX UDX WDX JDX RA

Gael: 4 year old Border collie

Gael had a great end to 2013 getting the 3 wins in each required to move up to top level agility and jumpers, JDX title, plus her first WDX in Working trials. AD/ADX eluded us...still no CRC there. We also started back in Rally Excellent last weekend after two years off, to get RE title in New Zealand requires 3 quals on 100/100...very tricky. But as I take other dog to Rally comps, may as well keep trying.

CRC in Jumpers A

CRC in Senior Agility

AD title (0/2)

ADX title, needs AD first

2nd WDX

Teach Hard Surface tracking for TD

CDX-Silver title

RE title (0/3)

Eclaireur du Montier RN

Scout turns 2 in January 2014, French Brittany

My husband's Dog (hunting feather and fur/field trials/NZVHDTA) I borrow when I can for Rally and Agility.

RA title (0/3)

10 CRC in Jumpers C (0/10)

Pass NZ Versatile Hunting Dog Test Association's Intermediate Test (w husband)

QC title (w husband)

Get above 75 points in Champ Pointer/Setter trial(w husband)

For me:

Maybe a new BC puppy late in 2014?

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Yay I get to have goals next year :thumbsup: this year was more about developing a relationship with the dogs and starting obedience


Pass Level 3 Class in Obedience

Start Tracking Training - turns out I get to be the one hiding in the bushes in the middle of winter :p

Start Nosework Training

Do more Trick Training (weave through legs, bow, shy, play dead)


Pass Level 3 Class in Obedience

Start Agility Training and get her used to the obstacles - she was a bit apprehensive around the obstacles the first time we went

Lots of Trick Training (shy, shake hands, roll over, spin, bow, play dead, weave through legs)

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The last of my competition dogs will probably retire late next year so my goals are minimal.


Continue to have fun at the few Flyball comps we can get to. He is 99 points off his next title, so might get there.

Attempt to get to a few earthdog days over the season.

We may give rally o another shot.

Have him continue and enjoy tricks/ DWD class with my Mum. I'd like to see them give a routine and trialling a go but we'll see.

*sigh* I want a puppy.

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Ooh I can finally join in this thread! :D

I only just got my new Aussie in the second half of 2013, so 2013 was all about building relationships and learning to work together.

For 2014, my goals for Breeze are:

Obedience - get our CCD title! This is my main focus for 2014.

Rally - Start working towards Rally Advanced and hopefully enter a trial or two.

DWD - Start trialling, looking to get our HTM Novice and/or Freestyle Starters title. More trick training too.

General - Build up more of her confidence and socialization with strangers.

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Back to health after his snake bite. If he never competes in anything again, I don't care. I just want him healthy again.


I'd just love her to be happy working in the ring. The titles are just icing on the cake.

Dumbbell retrieve perfected - we're so close!!!

CCD title

FD & FDX titles (not massive achievements - but timing wise, this isn't realistic until the end of the year)

Compete in agility - hopefully JD title and I'd like to get her up and running in AD.

RN title and a leg towards her RA.

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  On 03/12/2013 at 9:52 PM, ~*Shell*~ said:


Back to health after his snake bite. If he never competes in anything again, I don't care. I just want him healthy again.


I'd just love her to be happy working in the ring. The titles are just icing on the cake.

Dumbbell retrieve perfected - we're so close!!!

CCD title

FD & FDX titles (not massive achievements - but timing wise, this isn't realistic until the end of the year)

Compete in agility - hopefully JD title and I'd like to get her up and running in AD.

RN title and a leg towards her RA.

:eek: OMG I hadn't realised that poor Zero had been bitten. How scary for you - thank goodness he survived. From what I've heard, it can be quite a long recovery process - girl I know here had her GSD bitten a couple of years ago - think it was several months she had to restrict the dog's activity and then gradually increase it. The good news, is that the dog did fully recovery, though it took a while. Fingers crossed it will be the same for Zero.

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Bojak Bindi Dreaming AKA "Bindi" ADX JDX ADO2 JDO GDX SPD SD am hoping in 2014 to get her



ADO3 &



To do this I have to train her to want to work faster...so that is my goal...a more enthusiastic Bindi. :thumbsup:

Dunwurkn Howz That AKA "Cricket" JD GD SPD I am hoping for

AD then ADX,







To do this I have to get his flying contacts under control...so that is my aim with him :)

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Hmm,quite a few for my two this year.

Shandy (CH Milnholm Carnival Queen DWDFN HTMN RE CD)

Now that her jaw seems to be properly heeled, we're going to give Open a whirl, and I'd like to finish that title (CDX) and get her RAE finished this year too. I'm also aiming to finish at least one of her DWD Intermediate titles this year.

Zimri (Llandwyn Crescent Moon (AI))

At 14 months, he's ready to start competing. We're aiming to finish his conformation championship this year, and get it out of the way- almost halfway there. We'll probably start with Rally soon, and I think his RA is quite realistic this year, providing we get to enough trials. I'd like his CCD title, and at least a start on his CD. We should be able to get both his DWD starters titles as well. If we can squeeze it in, and if he keeps progressing the way he is, we may try for some agility in there, so let's tack a JD on the wishlist as well.

I'd also love to try some herding with him :D

Wow, I think finding the time for all these competitions may be the hard part!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm going to aim high again for 2014 and hope that we get maybe one or two of the things I aim for!!!


Do the Endurance Test.

Get her HTM.N and her DWDF.S and maybe DWDF.N

Get her herding instinct test and see if I can have her ready to do HT (she still needs a lot of confidence building).

Trial her in Rally Advanced

Look at CCD (again! We tried once and we didn't like it, we might go back for another go!)


Continue with our Conformation, get him some more points, improve my handling skills with him to help him do better in the show ring!

Do the Endurance Test

Get him started in DWD - maybe we'll try for his DWDF.S and HTM.S

Herding - We're going to try everything!!! Ideally I'd like him to get his instict test and HT in the first half of the year and try for his PT in the second half of the year. I think he has it in him to do this!

Maybe look at putting in to some Rally or Obedience, we'll see if I get around to doing some work with him!!

Hmm, I might need to find some time and money to make all this happen!!!!

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With the addition of a new dog : Blondie the Border Collie, i'm going to be busy next year!

I probably won't get to agility trials as much but I'd like to focus on RATG for Mindy and Herding for Blondie


I'd like her to get her SDX and SPDX, she only needs one more pass in each

ADO and JDO, 4 and 2 more go respectively.

Possibly ADM and JDM but realistically I don't think we will go to enough trials

Do some more ADAA trials

Get her NRA in the Retrieving ability test


Start training and trialling in agility: aim for JD and maybe AD titles.

Get started in herding and maybe do some ANKC herding tests.

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I'm hoping 2014 is our year!

Cleo (Edinglen New Sensation)

I really want some titles before and after her name!

-Do the endurance test (note: buy a bike that WON'T break after 3 rides)

-Join the agility club and get started with that

-Finish off her neuter title (6/100 points)

Nala (Neilros Jaznala)

-do the puppy class with the obedience club

-get some points in the show ring! (wont happen until April when she's 6 months old boo)

-have a ton of fun with my gorgeous baby!

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