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Cat Attacked - Pitbull Blamed


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Roaming cats annoy me - intensely. We have two cats and they live inside becuase the rest of the world shouldn't have to put up with them.

That said - sorry - it's unacceptable for a dog's owner to allow it to attack a cat. By that I mean if the dog is out of its yard then the owner has a responsibility to prevent it from attacking any other animal. If a cat chooses to come into a dog's back yard and the owner isn't present that's a bit different.

To suggest that dogs chase cats and to justify an attack that way is just ludicrous. We choose to have our dogs in an urban/suburban environment, its up to us to protect other animals from them.

I don't care what the breed is dogs should be kept under control and kept from harming other animals.

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I would love to see a law Australia wide that cats are to be confined but I doubt it will happen and if by some miracle it did how would it be enforced? Can't even stop offleash and wandering dogs in my suburb! I have recently moved and the lady next door, who is lovely, has two cats that come over the fence all the time. I have explained to her many times that my greyhounds will kill her cats in an instant but she just laughs and says "oh no they are used to dogs, they love them" *sigh* So my two are locked in the house only allowed out under supervision because I would be devastated if they killed them :(

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I would love to see a law Australia wide that cats are to be confined but I doubt it will happen and if by some miracle it did how would it be enforced? Can't even stop offleash and wandering dogs in my suburb! I have recently moved and the lady next door, who is lovely, has two cats that come over the fence all the time. I have explained to her many times that my greyhounds will kill her cats in an instant but she just laughs and says "oh no they are used to dogs, they love them" *sigh* So my two are locked in the house only allowed out under supervision because I would be devastated if they killed them :(

You should tell her that your dogs love cats too, with mint peas and mashed potato. I'm sure she'd get the message quickly enough

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Where's the headline saying NUMBAT KILLED, CAT BLAMED

Small critters have no chance so long as cats are allowed to roam. Cats are held responsible for the extinction of nine species of bird in Australia, and for pushing 33 other species to the brink of extinction. The Australian Wildlife Commission estimates that cats kill 75 million small native animals, daily. See:


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I am also wondering at the sense of hysteria regarding dog on cat attacks... ? Does not every dog comic ever written include an arch enemy cat? From the beginning of time people have known that some dogs don't like cats. Some dogs will kill cats. I can only wonder if the dog was maybe not serious in its attempt to kill the cat since my dog would go for the neck to throttle the life out of it in about 10 seconds flat, rather than extensively mauling it... If this was a Border Collie or a Jack Russel nobody would give a toss, it's only "news" because it was allegedly a "pitbull"

Yes, the cat may have been on its own front lawn. Or it may not. Yes the dog owner was wrong in allowing the dog to attack the cat. But there is no mention whether this happened on private property or not so it is easy to assume it did not and either way, I agree that cats should be confined to their property. If there is no front fence then how is the cat confined

I suspect plenty of people, not least the cat's owner, would actually give a toss if it was a BC or a JRT, although I agree the media may not.

It doesn't matter whether it happened on private property or not, unless it happened on the dog owner's property unfortunately the dog and its owner are in the wrong.

You said that your dog would go for the throat and kill the cat but I assume that as a responsible owner you would actually have had your dog on lead while out and would do whatever you could to prevent your dog from mauling or killing another animal, even a cat, or would have it safely contained on your property so it couldn't get to other people's roaming cats (unless they came onto your own property of course).

Whether we like it or not, in many places, including where this incident happened, people actually do have the legal right to let their cats roam and expect that people's dogs won't be unattended and able to maul them.

Edited by Simply Grand
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Yes, my dogs are all kept on lead when off their our property. They also listen when told no.

And no, as I have already said, it was not ok for the dog to attack the cat.

But getting back to my car comparison, when did you see the last article about pets getting run over by cars in the news? I'm sure the owner cares when fluffy gets pancaked in front of their house, but if they really cared, surely they could have taken some measures to avoid that happening in the first place. I just hope this owner learnt from this experience and I would like to see some legislation requiring cats to be confined to their own property. There is no good reason not to and many good reasons for it.

Edited by BlackJaq
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I would love to see a law Australia wide that cats are to be confined but I doubt it will happen and if by some miracle it did how would it be enforced? Can't even stop offleash and wandering dogs in my suburb! I have recently moved and the lady next door, who is lovely, has two cats that come over the fence all the time. I have explained to her many times that my greyhounds will kill her cats in an instant but she just laughs and says "oh no they are used to dogs, they love them" *sigh* So my two are locked in the house only allowed out under supervision because I would be devastated if they killed them :(

You should tell her that your dogs love cats too, with mint peas and mashed potato. I'm sure she'd get the message quickly enough

I've tried everything j, like many she has never seen greyhounds as pets and really does not take me seriously when I've told her that nothing will outrun a determined greyhound.

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Whilst the person who's dog attacked the cat should have done the right thing and check if the cat was okay etc, maybe the owner of the cat will now think about keeping her cat inside. Allowing them to roam is asking for trouble.

I feel the same way OSo. If the cat was kept confined within this lady's property then maybe she might get some sympathy from me. Don't get me wrong, it's sad that the cat was hurt, but wandering cats give me the sh*ts.

how do you know the cat was off it's own property?

Well it was outside obviously. As the article doesn't say it was behind its own garden fence & the dog broke in to attack it we can assume it was loose on the street where the dog was being walked.

If it had been contained & the dog broke into the yard/garden the media would have had a field day on it.

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Where's my news article for when a cat came into my yard and attacked my rabbit?

Was it a pit cat? Coz if that is not what it was then we can't beat it up as a vicious mauling and nobody will care :confused:

No but seriously, I hope your rabbit is ok

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Was it a pit cat? Coz if that is not what it was then we can't beat it up as a vicious mauling and nobody will care :confused:

No but seriously, I hope your rabbit is ok

I think it might have been, it had a red nose?

Bunny is fine - he is a tough cookie luckily!! Just missing some hair and had a couple of puncture wounds.

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I would love to see a law Australia wide that cats are to be confined but I doubt it will happen and if by some miracle it did how would it be enforced? Can't even stop offleash and wandering dogs in my suburb! I have recently moved and the lady next door, who is lovely, has two cats that come over the fence all the time. I have explained to her many times that my greyhounds will kill her cats in an instant but she just laughs and says "oh no they are used to dogs, they love them" *sigh* So my two are locked in the house only allowed out under supervision because I would be devastated if they killed them :(

You should tell her that your dogs love cats too, with mint peas and mashed potato. I'm sure she'd get the message quickly enough

I've tried everything j, like many she has never seen greyhounds as pets and really does not take me seriously when I've told her that nothing will outrun a determined greyhound.

If they kill the cats so be it and keep it to yourself.

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Yes, my dogs are all kept on lead when off their our property. They also listen when told no.

And no, as I have already said, it was not ok for the dog to attack the cat.

But getting back to my car comparison, when did you see the last article about pets getting run over by cars in the news? I'm sure the owner cares when fluffy gets pancaked in front of their house, but if they really cared, surely they could have taken some measures to avoid that happening in the first place. I just hope this owner learnt from this experience and I would like to see some legislation requiring cats to be confined to their own property. There is no good reason not to and many good reasons for it.

The example you are trying to cite is irrelevant and frankly to me it is a little strange.

The difference is that people driving a car have every right to be on the road - cats have no right to be on the road. A dog that is not on a lead has no right to be anywhere other than in a designated area - cats have different rules rightly or wrongly. The article didn't specifically mention it, but seems a fair conclusion that the dog was not on lead at the time of the attack.

I'm confused about how you can compare the two scenarios.

Common sense still suggests that cats are indoor or confined animals, but it doesn't absolve the dog owners responsibility.

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