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Breed Clubs And Banks/credit Unions


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I am on committee of our breed club and I was wondering if you could tell me what banking institutition does your breed club use??? I am only interested about clubs in/around Melbourne. Our club may change who they use which is why I am asking.

Currently ours with a credit union but they are sometimes difficult to use.

They only have two offices in Melbourne, deposits can be made at any Commonwealth bank using the credit Unions deposit book or they can't be accepted or if done at the Credit union they still have deposit slips.

They do have a cheque books which is great. Interest is low on our account.

What does your club like or dislike about their bank?

Thanks for the information.


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We use Westpac and don't seem to have any issues with them. We have internet banking available to us which needs two office bearers to operate/approve. We have a working cheque account that holds more or less just enough money to get us by and an interest bearing account that holds most of our funds. We transfer between the two as necessary. We accept direct debit for memberships and club sales - or anything else I guess and the club is able to DD to pay accounts or reimburse members etc.

I'm not sure what the interest is that we earn on the account, but I don't expect it is huge.

This seems to work well for us, the only hassle we have is that it is costly and hard for overseas payments - in and out......and don't get me started on a Paypal account.

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