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Heroic Dog Stories.


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My childhood companion was Snippy, my Grandparents working border Collie. He saved me from a snake when I was 5-ish, by blocking me and not letting me move forward and barking to alert my Grandfather, he protected me from anyone or anything else too, including an uncle who startled me by grabbing me (in fun), and as he grabbed me, Snippy grabbed him, leaving my uncle with a ripped pair of trousers for his efforts. :)

I know Snippy would have defended me to the death if it had ever been needed.


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I've posted about this before. I had mother and son rescue sbts who came to me at different times. The son came to me with terrible epilepsy and had a lot of fears and anxieties as a result. Both dogs came to my aid and got help when I knocked myself unconscious falling down my front stairs when we lived on acreage. No-one would've found me anytime soon without their help. Both dogs also chased three male intruders from my house then raced back to my side to protect me. Again, without them the outcome would've been very different. Both have since passed from age but I think of them constantly and the house is full or reminders of their time with me. Wish I hadn't moved all my photos or I'd post a pic of them both.

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A personal story, not so much heroic as silly but...

When my oldest son was a toddler and my brother and his mates were about 18 years old, my brother owned the most adorable Dobe.

Dylan the Dobe and my son were insuperable when he was at my mothers place (brother and dog lived at mums and mum used to look after the kid while I was working).

One day Dylan was out the back and wanted to come in to be with my son. My brother and his mate were mucking around with the my son in the kitchen, playing catch.. They were actually throwing the kid to each other and he was laughing and squealing.

Have no idea what the dog was thinking but he got a run up and came straight through the kitchen window and put himself between my son and brother.. Not growling or anything but just seems to want to stop them mucking around with hi like that..

Poor silly dog needed stitches across his chest, mum needed a new window and everyone was in shock..

So for the next couple of weeks the dog slept on the lounge room floor and the kid slept beside him when he was there..

He also sounded the alarm when my son managed to get out of mums front door once as a toddler.

Dylan is one dog that, even though he wasn't mine, will always stay in my memory because he was such a special guy..

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My Nanny dog /playmate was an A C D .. and he protected me from any perceived danger . if Mum wasn't there - no - one could take me out of my pram - no one. Not grandparents even.

He shadowed me and on a couple of occasions I remember killed snakes in front of me - one in the kitchen! He wasn't just a biter - he would not bite until Mum gave him the word ... and then it was full on . he was perfect for Mum, who with a toddler, was often alone for some days at a time here ....

There was also Oscar, a working Koolie . One day when out , the bike hit a stump.. oscar must have hit something hard ..but kept on working for some hours . Then it was noticed that he wasn't at all well .. air which should have been in his lungs was under his skin!

he had a rough couple of days .. Vet advice per phone , sleeping indoors for a couple of weeks ... and he was looking to get back to work!!

The same boy , once , several miles from the house .. so not too far , he & his boss were mustering sheep .. it got dark .. sheep were finally put where they were supposed to go - No Oscar . Driving, Calling ... no Oscie.

next Day ..more driving and calling ... there were tracks , and it could be seen that Oscar had found some stragglers .... but he didn't return home until the following day... and I'm sure , if he could have spoken he would not have been complimentary ; after all HE was doing HIS job , keeping those sheep together ....

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