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Patella Surgery Advice!


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Hello all, first thanks for reading and I would appreciate ANY help or advice.

I live in south australia and I have an 8 year old papillon. In the last 2 years she has had her back left patella pop in and out, nothing severe to cause her any pain or discomfort. She is a byb pup (mind you I was 13 when I got her and didnt know about proper breeders...)

She has never gone under before, she hasn't been desexed but I wanted to get it done soon in case it results in pyro or something. Anyway she is in good health fit and healthy but lately her knee seems to have gotten worse, I think it is getting to the point it will start to cause her pain. Mind you she runs and jumps on the couches and beds.

I want to take her to a vet for patella checking and possibly getting her desexed at the same time? I also would like her teeth done soon. She may need some minor cleaning with a few out.

Can anyone give me approx prices I would be looking at for patellas, and teeth cleaning? And reccomend any vets?

Any advice you can give me about my situation? She is 8 now so her lifespan is approx 14 years, I want her to be mobile and happy without pain which could be expected in the next few years (when her knee deteriorates)

Personal messages welcome, she is an active, tough little thing.

Thank you for your time,

P.s I do not want anyone whinging about her not being desexed when she was younger etc,


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It won't be possible for her to have patellas done, be desexed & have her teeth cleaned all at the same time as it is too long for her to be under the anaesthetic & her discomfort & pain after would be too much.

My vet won't do a desex & teeth clean at the same time unless its advisable for the dog not to not to be anaethetised much due to any other health issue but I have heard that some will do both. At her age they may prefer to do it at the same time.

So your plan should be teeth first, as toothache is painful.

Desex 2nd

Meanwhile stop your dog jumping up on couches & beds before it does a ligament or causes more damage & then when you have had the other 2 things done book her in for the legs.

Vets vary so much in their prices so phone 3 for comparison.

For desex it may be $200 to $250.

Teeth $300 to $400

Patellas $$2000 + for both legs.

That is only a rough guide.

You need a vet assessment on the patellas, it may not need operation depending on expected outcome or grade.

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