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Qld Rescue Help Please


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I just came across this add in gumtree


this person is giving away a dog that they received as a give away the day prior! Is there anyone that is part of a rescue org that can contact this person to see of they will surrender the dog and help to make sure he doesn't continue to get turfed from home to home :(

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:( I thought it would go quick. Hopefully whoever got the dog has better intentions that this person.

The story went that the person got the dog as a giveaway (their words) and then asked the landlord who said he was selling the house so they would have to move out. queue giving up the dog

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Was that the Cocker? I saw that one and the reference to cataracts - obviously the real reason nobody wanted to bother with him. The usual story - 8 years old, health issues developing, goodbye doggie. :(

yeah that was the one

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