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Sex Of Second Dog

Esky the husky

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Ive always owned a male and female at the same time (desexed)

I now have 2 girls in the house.

They generally get along really well but Renae is getting on in age and has some health issues, so she does get very possessive with her food now. So i never feed them in the same room.

Apart from that no issues.. They both have very dominant strong personalities tho and i do see Miah challenging Renae from time to time, but Renae knows how to gently put back Miah in her place :)

Edited by Jules❤3Cavs
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We have 2 speyed bitches here, Cleo (2yo dal) was desexed at age 1, Izzy (8yo staffy x ) was desexed as a pup in the pound. We are adding a third female to the mix in a months' time, and she will remain entire. I'm keeping in mind that they may have issues, and will be prepared to separate if I need to.

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I have friends with two bitches and they get on like a house on fire :) one is a BC x ACD (apparently...it's a farm mix) and the other is a GSD. They have their play times then GSD has had enough and if the other one keeps trying to play she gets growled at :p I think they might be both spayed.

I have two boys, one is 6.5~ BC, desexed & the other is a 6 month Aussie (not desexed) and they get on really well, surprisingly! I think the BC is too boring to play with the pup but he's very tolerant and pup leaves him alone if BC walks away. Very relaxed personalities.

My BC boy lived with a friends' female dog (farm mix above) for a few months when I was living with them and they got along really well. Would gallop around the yard for ages together!

Admittedly my BC could be the common denominator in these - because he's so used to having/needing a pack, he'll basically get along with any sheep-dog looking dog (he's not scared of Kelpies, BCs & Aussies - usually) no matter how it treats him. embarrass.gif oh dear.

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Until recently we had 4 girls; 2 senior BC, spayed, one 4 year old BC, spayed. One almost 2 year old Brittany, entire. Now just have the younger two. Never had any issues with any of them, ever. I do know people who have serious issues with 2 girls though and have to keep them permanently and very carefully separated, so in case I have just been "lucky" so far, next pup will almost certainly be be a boy.

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A lot depends on the temperament of your current girl, the temperament of the new one, relative ages, and your management. I have always run girls together without a problem but have been very blessed in the temperaments I have had.

Do people with your breed generally run multiple females together? If so that is a good start. If not, take it as a warning. If it goes wrong between girls it can go very wrong, so be careful in who you choose.

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Before the boys, I had Cherry and another bull breed mix, Lassie. Both females, both spayed. They got on much better than the boys get along with each other, and Cherry even got on and liked Lassie a lot more than she likes the boys. They did fight a lot more than the 3 I have now, but they actually used to groom each other, snuggle together and play together...none of which Cherry does with the boys. I always thought girls and boys were supposed to get along best but apparently not in this house...Cherry just plays hard to get I think :laugh:

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I have had bitches together and would do again. BUT- be careful. They are always fine together- until they aren't if that makes sense. I have spoken to many people who have had their female dogs best of friends for years and then still had problems requiring permanent separation. Breed IS relevant.

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Ah i guess im just worried about the 'icky' bits of boy ownership. I've got a lot of indoor plants that I don't want to become toilets ( i know i know training)

And the slowness of males growing a brain :p and being bigger..

In the end I want the right match for us though

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Ah i guess im just worried about the 'icky' bits of boy ownership. I've got a lot of indoor plants that I don't want to become toilets ( i know i know training)

And the slowness of males growing a brain :p and being bigger..

In the end I want the right match for us though

My dog Digby (who was entire until he was 2 1/2) absolutely loves to mark, yet he has never, ever marked in our house. My other boy dog never marked at all! So you don't necessarily have to worry too much about marking :)

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My boy dog has never marked anything inside, I wouldn't discount a boy just on that.

Re two girls together, I've never done it, I've known people who have with no issues and people who have had issues do I think it really depends on the dog (breed and temp).

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Ah i guess im just worried about the 'icky' bits of boy ownership. I've got a lot of indoor plants that I don't want to become toilets ( i know i know training)

And the slowness of males growing a brain :p and being bigger..

In the end I want the right match for us though

My 20 month old (desexed) boy has a brain when it suits him, but he's still very puppyish as opposed to my girl who is 6 months older and had hardly any 'puppy' left at around 9 months!

He also never marks in the house but loves every tree, pole, leaf, pram (a favourite!) or blade of grass when out. The only other icky boy thing is keeping his boy bits clean, but most dogs probably do that themselves and I just wipe him with a damp tissue every now and then.

He's much cuddlier than my girl, and I know a lot of people with boys say they twmd to be cuddlier.

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Ah i guess im just worried about the 'icky' bits of boy ownership. I've got a lot of indoor plants that I don't want to become toilets ( i know i know training)

And the slowness of males growing a brain :p and being bigger..

In the end I want the right match for us though

I have to say my boys never mark inside and I have four entire males and one neutered one and they're much easier to train and pick things up much faster than the girls.

But that might just be my breed lol

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