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Stealing The Toilet Brush



35 members have voted

  1. 1. Did your puppy steal the toilet brush?

    • Never
    • A few times
    • Regularly, until he/she grew out of it
    • Until I trained him/her out of it.

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Mine have never tried and they've slept in the bathroom with the toilet brush fully accessible

Amazing! Every pup I've had has done it several times. I've always just lived with it and let the behavior extinguish naturally. My present pup also steals the brush holder, and I'm beginning to wonder if she'll ever give up. Maybe it's a Lab thing?

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My pup did it for weeks, sometimes we would find it out in the back yard ( we had a doggy door). It started when he was about 10 weeks old and we still had 2 of his sisters here with us and continued for a month or so. I never made a big deal over it and he eventually stopped doing it.

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My boy never stole the toilet brush and our ensuite door is almost always open and he's an indoor dog - but he did have a thing for stealing the toilet paper - I shouldn't have laughed but it was so cute to see him jumping up to catch the end of the toilet paper roll and the times that he was successful he would run away with it - a trail of loo paper out the bedroom and up the hallway! Wish I'd had my phone handy to catch it on video :laugh:

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Never for me either, and I have a lab :) He does spend a lot of time sniffing the bathroom drain though.

We actually keep the toilet brush in the separate toilet and the door is always shut, so he doesn't really have opportunity.

Maybe you could find a spot in a cupboard or something? Under the kitchen sink?

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Guest hankodie

Our toilet door is constantly closed. Otherwise he tries to toilet roll the house! laugh.gif

Same here! I learned the hard way... :laugh:

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I'm not worried that the pup takes the toilet brush. It cost less than many of her toys, or alternative things she might chew, like shoes, and she doesn't destroy it. Could be a little embarrassing if she paraded it around the living room with guests present, I guess. But I don't have that sort of guest very often. With past pups this has lasted a month or so, so it's hardly worth training time.

I'm surprised by how many people never have this problem, if it's even a problem.

The toilet paper on the other hand, goes up on a shelf.

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I had a naughty lab puppy at one stage, but she never once stole the toilet brush or the toilet roll. She would nick off with other stuff though, like my sunnies once and wanted me to chase her :laugh: Now as a sensible mature adult, she only nicks socks/slippers/shoes and brings them to you as a present when you get home :D

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