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I've Had An Anonymous Barking Complaint At The New House-sit...


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Set up a recorder or something to make sure it's actually one of yours, first.

Wouldn't be the first time someone has been accused of having a barking dog when it's actually coming from somewhere else.

Thanks MM - thats a very good point - there are two barking mini schnauzers across the road and a dog behind a fence next to them and another down the road - interestingly opposite the people who I think might have complained. Hmnn... Might get the mother on point duty Monday if it isn't too hot while I think of some way to record... thanks! smile.gif

audacity is free to download and works well - it has a nice graphical interface so that you can actually see from the soundwave pattern when a dog has barked - saves having to listen to hours of audio :-) I can pick a bark from a plane from a winge after a bit of practice.

You DOLers are brilliant - thanks dwynwen - and I've used audacity at Church to record the sermons when I'm the data projector operator for the morning... I even know someone who could advise on setting it up - again - why didn't I think of that!!! laugh.gif

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I'd bark too ,having left doggie heaven for a strange courtyard :p ;)

No suggestions, just breathe ... and I hope you can find out who/what ...


Yeah Perse - maybe I underestimated what a big change it would be for my babies... beleive me they aren't the only ones who miss the old house... frown.gif

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Cannibal that all really is food for thought. Come to think of it Andy has been more anxious since we've been here - so moving and anxiety could well be a potent mix...

I can only claim a Dol education here :D I have two boys with very different personalities. My "Mr issues whimpy the world is gonna end" boy and my "Mr teflon everyone loves me,whatever" boy.

It was only when they were boarded for the first time I found out Mr complex was fine, he lives in his own mind and Mr Happy happy joyjoy was the one who had a break down when taken out of his family circle.

It was a huge eye-opener and made me realise you don't really know your dogs until something happens to make you realise, er, you don't really know your dogs...

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Cannibal that all really is food for thought. Come to think of it Andy has been more anxious since we've been here - so moving and anxiety could well be a potent mix...

I can only claim a Dol education here :D I have two boys with very different personalities. My "Mr issues whimpy the world is gonna end" boy and my "Mr teflon everyone loves me,whatever" boy.

It was only when they were boarded for the first time I found out Mr complex was fine, he lives in his own mind and Mr Happy happy joyjoy was the one who had a break down when taken out of his family circle.

It was a huge eye-opener and made me realise you don't really know your dogs until something happens to make you realise, er, you don't really know your dogs...

Well said - I thought I was really getting on top of Andy's anxiety/lack of confidence - but I suspect the move has shown just how fragile - 'two steps forward, one step back' it can be with rescue dogs... my old house was the first 'home' Andy ever had - and yes its dawning that all this is probably proving very tough for him to adjust to... new house... me gone all day... Thanks C - very helpful thoughts... smile.gif

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Leaving some background noise on for them such as the radio can distract from other outside noises, stimulation toys such as a bob a lot with their dry food in it, blocking any view to the sidewalk/front of house if they have it, long lasting treats or chews, a couple of extra beds to give choice etc

Collar as a last resort, they also now have vibration ones which are much more gentle than sprays/static

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At this point, you don't know whether the problem is more your dog or dogs, or a neighbor with very low tolerance.

If I were you I would ... in addition to other measures to reduce the barking . . . have a chat with the council rangers and explain that you received an anonymous note and are happy to work with whoever sent the note to address the problem, but that you need more information on what, specifically, is going on.

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Its a hard one Westiemum. Anxious dogs can be set back when they find themselves in new surroundings and are left without their Mum. I am really pleased dear Mac is coping OK though. :thumbsup: Perhaps a note in the letterbox for those that did not answer the door to say that you are addressing the issue? Maybe they were not home or just don't answer the door - some people are like that. Diplomacy - as you are using - is the best way to handle a situation when you are living in someone else's house.

All good suggestions so far for distractions etc. If in the end you decide on a collar I would avoid the citronella ones as they are really irritating to the dogs - especially if they have sensitive skin. The new vibration only ones are quite good and more gentle.

Hope things settle down for you - and the westies soon. I hate moving to new places too :)

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Thanks everyone for your kind suggestions and responses. Not a peep out of anyone (the westies) since I came home last night - but the schnauzers across the road are going nuts. The note said he stands at the gates and barks continually - but given it's all quite enclosed I'm wondering how they know that unless they were on the property and when they were putting the note in the letter box? One of the neighbours I spoke to said one of the suspect neighbours yells at Andy (?) to 'shut-up dog'.

Need to go out this morning so I'll take Andy with me and see what happens - wait in the street to check it's not Sarah.

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Interestingly all the westies are ignoring the barking schnauzers. Thanks for letting me know about the vibration collars - I'll do that only as a last resort but need to check their use in relation to Andy's occasional focal epilepsy - should be OK I think.

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If you decide to get a spray collar there are refill sprays available that spray cold air instead of citronella.

Also another thing to do is to go out, park the car down the road somewhere and sneak back home and see if there is any barking. You'll have to sneak around your house for quite a few hours so plan what you're going to do before you go out!

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Why not just come over and speak to you.


I was very diplomatic with the neighbours that I managed to meet for the first time - and it was good to take the westies with me - it personalised them rather than them remiaing some annoying anonymous dog over a fence. They got lots of pats and attention too.

The follow-up note is a good idea DD - thanks - I;ll try and catch more neighbours tomorrow and then follow-up with a note next week - hopefully after I've made some progress.

You may find that the council has advised them to just leave a note first. Sadly some people may get abusive if they are confronted, so to avoid that happening they will eave a note. My friend did have barking dogs, they would go mental when the people over the back would potter in their garden and sit on their back patio. The people were advised to leave a note first, my friend had already started to put a plan into action before they found out who made the complaint, but once found out who complained they got them to be instrumental in the solution.

I hope that you can sort something out or prove that it's not your dogs (if it's not)

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Thanks JR - the rather nasty emotive note said they would go to the council - but you're right - they may have already. Have engaged the mother to do some snooping for me on Monday while I'm at work so I can get a better idea of what's really going on during the day.

Will cover the lattice with something opaque from Bunnings, go to Dick Smith, get some bones and toys, and go and drive by some doggy day care and look at vibration collars as emergency back up. Going to be a busy afternoon.

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1383353140[/url]' post='6337275']
1383306506[/url]' post='6337070']
Why not just come over and speak to you.


I was very diplomatic with the neighbours that I managed to meet for the first time - and it was good to take the westies with me - it personalised them rather than them remiaing some annoying anonymous dog over a fence. They got lots of pats and attention too.

The follow-up note is a good idea DD - thanks - I;ll try and catch more neighbours tomorrow and then follow-up with a note next week - hopefully after I've made some progress.

You may find that the council has advised them to just leave a note first. Sadly some people may get abusive if they are confronted, so to avoid that happening they will eave a note. My friend did have barking dogs, they would go mental when the people over the back would potter in their garden and sit on their back patio. The people were advised to leave a note first, my friend had already started to put a plan into action before they found out who made the complaint, but once found out who complained they got them to be instrumental in the solution.

I hope that you can sort something out or prove that it's not your dogs (if it's not)

JR do you know any details of how your friends enrolled the neighbours in the solution? That could be very helpful. I have a theory that barking dogs can actually be neighbourhood problems and there can be neighbourhood solutions - and the first thing appears to be to discourage the neighbours from yelling and reinforcing the barking!

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They went through bark busters and had chains that they threw at the ground to get the dogs attention to stop them from barking, along with a word (Bah)that they had to growl, followed by good dog when the dogs stopped. Once the dogs were conditioned to all of that the neighbours would use the same techniques, throwing the chain onto the ground, saying the word followed by the praise.

Just a thought after watching my dog barking at a bird sitting on my neighbours shed today, could be barking at a nesting bird?? Murphy is going mental with the birds at the moment, lucky my neighbours both have dogs and are very understanding.

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They went through bark busters and had chains that they threw at the ground to get the dogs attention to stop them from barking, along with a word (Bah)that they had to growl, followed by good dog when the dogs stopped. Once the dogs were conditioned to all of that the neighbours would use the same techniques, throwing the chain onto the ground, saying the word followed by the praise.

Just a thought after watching my dog barking at a bird sitting on my neighbours shed today, could be barking at a nesting bird?? Murphy is going mental with the birds at the moment, lucky my neighbours both have dogs and are very understanding.

Wow! Do you know if the good behaviour maintained? (Sorry for all the questions but I'm genuinely interested). Good thought about the birds - will do a good check of the area tomorrow. smile.gif

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