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Told My Neighbour Kicks My Dogs :(


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An ex-neighbour of mine ran in to me at the shops today and told me that my new neighbours informed her that the man across the road comes over during the day if the dog barks when I'm at work and 'boots her around' :cry:

My poor girl flinched when someone tried to pat her the other day and I thought it was odd but I never expected this! My new next door neighbour told me recently that she had been barking and we took steps straight away to rectify it(a problem caused by a different ex-neighbours dog running the fence line barking which set her off barking) and it seems to have settled, my nice next door neighbour tells me she's stopped. I can't believe someone would think it was OK to trespass on someones property and hurt their animals rather than being a grown up and just knocking on the door!

before anyone suggests it I can't confront him, I live alone with small children and can't afford any trouble, my first step will be to padlock my gates, I have told my husband though that if I hear about it happening again I'll be reporting him to the police.

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I'm not sure, the only people who have seen it for sure are the new neighbours and they've only lived here about a month so I don't know if they'd feel comfortable making enemies this early in the piece! All the other neighbours are good mates with this bloke so I'd very much be singling myself out.

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I'm not sure mine would be hanging around to be kicked! They's make themselves scarce I reckon.

How can you be sure it's true? Would your dog really stand still for repeated kickings? True or not, you should have your gates locked to prevent access to your dogs when you aren't home. I'd also be casually asking your neighbour if the dogs are still annoying him. An ounce of prevention and all that..

Edited by Haredown Whippets
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I'd get cameras and/or signs that advise of camers or dummy cameras. He could still hurt them from the outside if he is that kind of person ie baits or scaring your dog with loud noises :( . Knowing or thinking he is on film should deter him.

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The neighbour has told me the dogs are no longer barking and I made sure she knew just to come straight over if it started up again, she's been very good Sascha was upset the other day because I took Josie out for the day and she was whining a bit and she came over when we got home to check if she was OK(I actually thought she'd love a day to herself but apparently not!). Josie probably would just crouch down and cower while she was kicked, sascha would run. It's the neighbour over the road, funnily enough his dog howls in the garage all day if he's not home :doh:

I'm going to see if my husband can advise me of how I could set up a camera, it's quite close to the garage door so I could maybe sit the computer in the garage and run a corded camera out from there.

Edited by kelpiecuddles
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definitely padlock the gate, install a webcam so you can monitor the situation from work.

If your neighbour tries anything it will be recorded and you can report him to the police without involving anyone else.

In the mean time hopefully the padlock will keep him away from your dogs :(

Your poor dogs, it's horrible that he has taken advantage of the situation

Also why not wanting to scare you even more if he can't get to the dogs he might consider baiting, so a webcam is important

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Geez, what an asswipe if he has done that to your dogs....but before you confront him/report him you would need evidence.

Definitely padlock the gate and put a camera up so you can monitor the situation, theres a few around, I've heard of one that will record for 4 hours I think (motion activated) and then you just plug it into your computer to watch it.

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Oh great, it gets better! My son is next door and who turns out to be over there but the neighbour who is accused of kicking the dog, so(despite me telling him to keep his mouth shut) he goes on about how someone said he kicks the dog :doh:

You shouldn't discount the possibility that he does nothing of the kind.

He's not a new neighbour is he? Why would this suddenly start up? You need more facts before you can make a judgment either way.

Why are people so quick to assume the worst of others?

You want something kept quiet? Don't tell your kids. :shrug:

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I'm not stupid, I didn't tell my son! My old neighbour walked up to me in the supermarket while I was pushing a trolley with my children and said it. I also never said I 100% believed it, which is part of the reason I didn't want to confront him without evidence.

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I'm not stupid, I didn't tell my son! My old neighbour walked up to me in the supermarket while I was pushing a trolley with my children and said it. I also never said I 100% believed it, which is part of the reason I didn't want to confront him without evidence.

Kids have a way of finding stuff out whether they were told directly or not, mine always seemed to know everything, so don't beat yourself up over that. You were told in front of your kids so that's not your fault either. Seeing as the neighbour knows that you know, he may not repeat the behavior, mentioning the word "trespassing" might put him off too. If you padlock the gate and he gets in, it will be breaking and entering.

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