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Shampoo Soap Bars For Dogs?


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My oldest son is getting to an age where he is starting to take a bit more responsibility for the dogs and one thing he does is bathe them BUT he uses TONNES of shampoo. I've tried a number of ways to stop this issue but for reasons that aren't really relevant here it's difficult. Soooo... I was wondering if there are any bar type soaps that are decent for dogs that people could reccomend? Good for white coats would be a bonus but isn't an absolute requirement.

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Could you buy 1 of the shampoos that is supposed to be diluted, discuss this with him and then make up the solution together, according to the instructions on the bottle(I find a sauce bottle or pop top drink bottle works well for this). Then he gets the diluted bottle to use?

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Years and years ago the ONLY shampoo for dogs available in the nearest town was in bar form. Can't remember the name of it, Fido or something (not to be confused with the quite excellent Fido brand pet shampoos available today.) I do remember that it had a coal tar version, a flea and tick version as well as the ordinary dog soap.

If he will accept a soap bar, then why wouldn't he accept a travel container of shampoo? (Find an online advert of the shampoo label, print it out and stick it on the travel container).

I suspect he wants to do it the same way he sees you doing it, so I doubt whether the bar soap would go down. :shrug:

Alternate is find an empty shampoo bottle, put a watered down shampoo in it and hide the "normal" bottle. And find this thread again afterwards to tell us what worked and what didn't. Enquiring minds want to know! biggrin.gif

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Baby soap bars that are suitable for hair as well will probably be very good. I know a lot of Husky owners that use Johnsons no more Tears shampoo for their dogs, so I would thing that something similar in bar form would be perfect.

Edited by Yonjuro
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I always dilute the shampoo anyway - I find it easier to apply that way (especially for Diesel who has a thick coat). I put the shampoo in a jug then put water in to dilute it (and mix it up), I think as per piper's suggestion that if you talk to him and do it together he might accept it then?

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