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Cleo Just Scared Me So Much!


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ARGH! I need to write this out, 45 mins ago I was stressing, nearly crying and worrying what was wrong with my girl, and now she's happily asleep in her crate perfectly normal.

I was cooking dinner, had just let her in after feeding her - she likes to do zoomies and had just started running so I cut that short (running after meal is bloat risk?) and put her in her crate...and she was fine for about 10-15 mins then started letting out little whines, not unusual. But she kept going, so I thought "she needs to pee" so I let her out.

She walked very slowly, with her head down and tail low towards the door, like she was being scolded (my voice was normal and calm though) i asked if she was ok - yes I know she can't talk back! - and she whined more, and was doing small circles. I was starting to worry, her behavior was getting more and more strange - only this afternoon she was bright, bubbly and typical Dalmatian! This couldn't have been more out of character. After a few more minutes of her not wanting to walk, trying to lie down and looking like she was in pain, I rang the emergency vet and told them her symptoms - bloat apparently is very apparent and she had no signs of that, only a tight stomach.

So I went to get my handbag, come back outside where OH was watching her and she's changed back to normal! Running, tail wagging and stomach relaxed and no lying down or whining. I rang the vet back and told them she was back to normal but we would watch her - which she was happy with. Now Cleo is sleeping in her crate, after trying to score some human dinner (no chance).

So...is it possible that she had some wind that gave her grief? As I said, her stomach felt tight...i guess like if you were straining. OH did say that when I was inside calling the vet, she did a big stretch with a back leg, and it was after this that she improved.

So glad she's acting and looking better...but still watching her like a hawk.

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I think it must have been a gas bubble...and yes, running after a meal is not allowed. She doesn't always do it, but as soon as I hear her start up I call her in. Normally zoomies happen at 4.30pm, way before dinner but I guess she mixes it up on me every now and then!

Bloody farty bum dog. She's a champion at that :)

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Elsie did the exact same thing one evening after I fed her, only she hadn't been running around. She had her dinner, went out to pee, came straight back in with her head and tail down, walking very stiffly and her belly was really tight. I sat on the floor and she just climbed into my lap making pathetic moaning sounds, I immediately suspected bloat but she didn't have any of the normal bloat symptoms. I gave her a few minutes to settle, and she stretched a bit, then was magically fine!! Belly no longer tight or anything and she was back to her normal waggy self! I thought maybe as she is raw fed and had a partially frozen meal, and it was a cold night.. Maybe she got a belly freeze like we get brain freeze?

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Elsie did the exact same thing one evening after I fed her, only she hadn't been running around. She had her dinner, went out to pee, came straight back in with her head and tail down, walking very stiffly and her belly was really tight. I sat on the floor and she just climbed into my lap making pathetic moaning sounds, I immediately suspected bloat but she didn't have any of the normal bloat symptoms. I gave her a few minutes to settle, and she stretched a bit, then was magically fine!! Belly no longer tight or anything and she was back to her normal waggy self! I thought maybe as she is raw fed and had a partially frozen meal, and it was a cold night.. Maybe she got a belly freeze like we get brain freeze?

Maybe! Cleo gets Barf patties from the fridge, so they're cold. Poor thing had to put up with me palpating her tummy.

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Sascha did something similiar a while ago, the girls had dinner and then my oldest child in his wisdom was rlling the ball down the hallway for her. I stopped him because she'd just eat and ten minutes later she was looking miserable and about 5 minutes later she threw up her dinner and was all good again!

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I think the vet saying no apparent signs is a worry ,those signs can certainly be bloat typical .

Bloat can be a scary issue & some dogs show no apparent signs to varying signs & those symptons could be a sign of bloat or simple gas /belly ache not something i would rule out in another scenario.

Bloat can be a silient killer & often the under estimated signs are to late especially in the evenings.

Our last dog who died of bloat played with is teddy & walked into the vet to cheerfully greet everyone but we new he wasn't right & bloat was the obvious choice.

He had twisted beyond help & even the vets where amazed to see him but not chocked .

owning bloat breeds we now that signs aren't text book

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Bloat is something I worry about with Zeus and to a smaller extent, Kirah. Both dogs tend to gulp down water very quickly and I'm at a loss as to how to stop it. The other day in fact, Kirah had gulped so much water that I could hear her poor belly sloshing around as she walked. :(

Both tend to run around crazy until they dehydrate themselves, which can be hard to monitor when I'm at work. I've thought about those go slow bowls but an unsure as to their effectiveness with liquids.

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Well update, it's certainly not bloat but Cleo is unwell. Those symptoms from before didn't return but she seemed to wet her bed twice (we changed it at 1am) she licked her vagina constantly and she drank heaps this morning. She's currently at vets having ultrasound and xray. Kidneys look ok, but liver enzymes were unusual.

I'm so scared, she's never been sick before.

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Turns out she has very small stones, small as in 3mm and easily passable. But possible that she had a big one that led to her later wetting the bed. That doesn't explain her extreme thirst though, or her diluted urine.

She's staying in overnight for fluids, observation and more bloods tomorrow morning then hopefully she'll come home...but the next couple of weeks will definitely involve catching urine samples to rule out permanent urine dilution or if it's transient (one sample of concentrated urine will give the all clear). They also need to check the kidneys to make sure she's not in renal failure.

Just shows you can do everything humanly possible to maintain a suitable diet (i'm so careful of high purine foods) and spoil your dog rotten but s**t still happens.

I hope she's ok, she's only 2. I hate seeing her so sad (she hates the cone she has on).

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