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Lickety Stik: Reward With Lick Of Good Taste


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One of my catalogues has a new offering called Lickety Stik. From the picture it looks like a roll on deodorant bottle full of chicken, liver or bacon flavor. It's advertized as a food reward without the joules (1 calorie for 10 licks).

Has anyone seen this stuff in action for training? Does it work as a food reward for food motivated dogs?



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They've been out for a while now, Cleo liked it. It smells like stock (I got the chicken one). Quick delivery of reward, but Cleo kept licking her lips for about a minute after!

Pity the head office of my work has decided to pull the plug and not sell them anymore :( they were popular here and we only got them in recently!

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A friend won end at a trial, so I've had a go with it. The dogs seem to love it, and I think that they aren't too unsafe as long as you are watching the dog as it licks.

I am dubious about the salt content though. I have looked on the packaging and on their site and can't find any info on salt levels.....

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Gus has the cheese one, it reeks to high hell but he loves it. He does try to grab it sometimes on the fly but I've never thought of him popping the ball out, it's hard enough to turn sometimes I imagine that would take a lot of force!

He loves it though. Great for things like loose lead walking that you can have it there and they don't have to stop.

Rosie is much more delicate with it, I find it much easier to carry too. I always have a handbag full of the dregs over liver treats etc. :o

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Unfortunately mine got a taste for peanut butter before I found these so he didn't think much of them. The licking is supposed to keep their jaws relaxed and therefore they're good for reactive dogs.

Try a dab of peanut butter on the end of a wooden spoon-hold it up until you are ready to reward then swing it down so they can have a lick while they're still walking, it works well for my dogs, though I probably look weird walking around the neighbourhood holding a gooey wooden spoon!

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I actually walk around with a jar if peanut butter, I try just have a layer around the outside of the jar. I think I should have shares in Sanitarium by now but it has literally saved my dogs life. somewhat ironic because he's known as the reactive nutjob!

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