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Dogs Eaten Off Food


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I wouldn't worry, dogs eat much mankier things than that and get away with it. Just keep an eye on them, I hope you don't have 3am vomiting!

^ this!

Dogs are well known to bury meaty bones and dog them up weeks later to eat them. They're basically scavengers. They should be fine. Just watch for any symptoms that might worry you.

A couple of occasions of vomiting is fine but of they look flat and stop eating for more than 24 hours then take them to the vet for a check.

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We had a house full of family and friends over for Christmas and Jager decided to eat a couple of day old cooked oysters. He was not a happy man! He was lethargic and he could clear the room about every 15mins.... :eek:

But the next day he was fine.

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