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Humane Dog Trap


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I am looking at buying a humane dog trap to fit a dog over say cattle dog size.

We have had some young lambs recently killed or injured in a way not consistent with injuries caused by foxes. I have had to put another one down today.

Unfortunately we have reasonably large acreage but are starting to be surrounded by small hobby farms of a couple of hundred acres, everyone seems to have dogs that they let roam their acreage.

Any links much appreciated

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Are you thinking a soft jaw leg-hold trap or some kind of cage trap Oso?

E - the cages are very expensive and I don't know anyone who's used one. The Victor soft jaws are generally $25-50, but there are some tricks to setting them up. DAFWA or maybe your local NRM rep should be able to help you I think.


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I have contacted the rangers. It has to go to the head ranger and shire for approval. Interesting since I only have to be a farmer and do an open book certificate to lay baits!!!

I am hoping we can get a trap from the rangers, they will not put it out until the weather and rain clears which will be a few days by the looks., if we do get approval.

I was looking at the cage type with the door that drops down. Thank you for the links I will have a look.

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Maremma might be okay but I am not sure I need more dogs :) I do have 2 alpaca but they are my pets and from everything I have read they can get badly injured trying to guard against dogs do I am not going to risk that.

I suspect I know which property they are coming from but want proof before saying anything

Having a lamb who was perfectly health that had to be put down due to a crushed throat is very upsetting. The poor lamb would have been in pain and terrified as would its mum who was valiantly defending it and even gave us a run for our money when we went to pick it up.

And people why farmers shot roaming dogs regardless of if they are actually caught in the act. My livestock should be safe on my farm. People should keep their bloody dogs home. I have four and I can manage it!!!

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Good luck Oso :) If the dog/s is at all feral a cage trap would be very hard but if they are the neighbour dogs you might be ok.

Sorry about your lambs :(

We don't have wild/feral dogs here, there are out further. We unfortunately have lifestyle farmers instead with their dogs

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Probably need a bigger crate, but we made a fox/cat trap from a mesh dog crate ..on its side , so the door swings DOWN...followed by a wire rod which locked it into place . Door closure was triggered by the animal grabbing at bait hung inside.

We haven't had it out for a while, but it worked fine! Free feed a few times, whichever trap you use ... then when animal is comfortable .. set it.

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I second the Maremma. Have had one for my poultry for a few months now and I now sleep like a baby since I'm not constantly listening for birds in distress due to foxes anymore!

If they were my sheep I would probably hang a leg or skin of one of the ones you had to destroy off a tree somewhere where there has been a kill or an attack and then Mr .308 and I would stake that place out until we met the culprit...

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Good luck Oso :) If the dog/s is at all feral a cage trap would be very hard but if they are the neighbour dogs you might be ok.

Sorry about your lambs :(

We don't have wild/feral dogs here, there are out further. We unfortunately have lifestyle farmers instead with their dogs

I just remembered after my first post there was an unsocialised, escaped rescue dog that got into the bush near my old suburb and it took them I think 6-9 months to catch it with a cage trap because it was so skittish. They did make a couple of mistakes though so the dog got wise to the trap. But again if they are normal curious (& greedy) domestics it should be ok :)

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Sorry slightly OT but local farmer set up a large home made dog trap with a crate I'd loaned him... next morning we could see the trap closed and occupied - I could see a creamy hairy shape laying down and was trying to make out the breed or dominant breed as we approached (as you do) but when we got there we found that it was an adventurous two-tooth in the trap and not a dog at all! rofl1.gif We laughed and cursed and set the idiot thing free.

The bait was untouched so we reclaimed it and set it up again the following night to avoid crows stealing the bait during the day. A few days later he returned the cage, as he'd caught the culprit (a Rotty cross from the nearby town) and handed her over to the ranger. biggrin.gif He would have been perfectly entitled to shoot her but loved dogs too much, even feral ones. I shall never ever forget that stupid sheep in the trap, though! laugh.gif

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I can fully imagine that happening, considering my pet sheep is currently in there and a crate was his home and shelter for quite a few weeks as a bub.

I still haven't heard back, so frustrating. I would have thought it a legitimate usage.

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