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Bad Experiences With Your Dog

Guest hanko

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Guest hankodie

I am still angry as I type this so I apologise if this comes off more as a vent.

We have been taking our 4.5 month old puppy Hank to a lovely spot near the water that is usually very quiet. There's a cafe nearby which is usually teeming with dogs sitting with their owners but we avoid it completely and opt to set up at our quiet spot so Hank can have a sniff around the water (it's an onlead area).

This morning we went to the cafe to get 2 coffees to go, I noticed there were more people than usual with their dogs, probably because today is a public holiday. A couple of owners wanted their dogs to say hello to Hank, so I allowed a couple of polite nose-to-nose interactions before moving on. Hank has been lovely with other dogs - very polite but pretty much ignores them unless I tell him it's OK.

Anyway we got our coffees and started heading back towards our spot when I noticed 2 dogs who I saw previously at the cafe. Before I could react they rushed towards Hank. They were off lead (illegally I might add) and I had Hank on the lead. It happened so quick I didn't have time to call Hank towards me (my husband was walking a few meters ahead towards the car as we had forgotten something). Hank rolled over onto his back as he usually does for older/bigger dogs, I thought the dogs would have a polite sniff and move on but they started being really rough with him and the younger dog (who was also still a puppy) bit him on the leg! And then Hank started to wee on himself.

I tried to pick him up and move on and I called out to the owners who came over and saw that he had peed himself and then they started laughing. I was so angry I couldn't say anything, I then asked them to please call their dogs away and they did and one of the guys said to me "don't worry, millions of years of evolution, your dog will be fine!" then they left.

I am so upset and angry, mostly at myself because I feel like I failed my puppy but also at the f***wit owners for being so inconsiderate. I am probably overreacting but my older dog Odie is very reactive and I have been working so hard to make sure that Hank does not end up the same. I feel terrible that I didn't stick up for him and take control of the situation.

How does everyone deal with bad experiences with their dogs? Do you forget it and move on, or do work extra hard on training/socialisation to make sure your dog hasn't been affected?

I put Hank in the car straight after and came home, he's been napping at my feet and is acting OK but I can't help feeling so terrible about the whole situation.

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Sorry to hear about your bad experience, it is annoying when people don't have control of their dogs.

If it was me I would get him back around other dogs you know are ok ASAP, and be careful not to be anxious when doing it. Get him to see that is a rare incident as opposed to the norm. Go back to the same spot too.

Good Luck :)

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:hug: I understand how you're feeling but try not to blame yourself. These things happen.

As Tazar said, just act as though everything is normal and take him back to the same spot as though there are no issues.

Do you have any friends with friendly, trustworthy dogs he could have a play date with to keep up his confidence?

Try not to worry, they are pretty resiliant and I'm sure he will be fine :)

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I'm so sorry to hear you've had a bad experience, I know how it feels. My dog is non reactive and very easy going, we've been rushed by dogs and she's been knocked over and pinned down, I shout now and grab the offending dogs by the skin and hair on their backs to haul them off if I think she's going to get hurt, I give them "a thousand years of my evolution".

However the first time it happened where it turned serious, I was so shocked by the off hand behavior of the dogs owners that I was stunned for a time and did nothing. Don't worry next time you'll be ready. Don't feel bad, your dog seems ok, so no harm done ( there aren't any puncture wounds I hope), everyone has a baptism by fire and today was yours.

All those incidents of being rushed and knocked around set me up for the time two dogs attacked us, one picking my dog up and shaking her, I fought them off and saved her life. If that had been my first time she would be dead now.

If I see dog/s running at us, I stand in front of my dog, I wave my open arms and shout "Hey hey" loudly, the dogs veer off or stop and my shouting alerts the owners.

Only experience protects you from the irresponsibility and bad manners of others, you'll be on guard next time.

Don't be hard on yourself. Have a cuppa and a Chocolate biscuit : )

Edited by Alison03
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"don't worry, millions of years of evolution, your dog will be fine!" then they left.

Millions of years of evolution and these dogs still think they need to bully others, not to mention the owners also thinking that's OK behaviour.

Sounds like the whole family needs a few more years of evolution to catch up to the rest of us :p

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Guest hankodie

Thanks everyone, I feel a bit better after reading your replies. I guess I feel terrible because I'm not a first time dog owner, I should have taken control of the situation a bit better and seeing Hank so scared broke my heart, I don't want him not to trust me in situations like that :(

My poor husband only realised what had happened after they left, he wanted to chase them down and give them an earful but I told him it wasn't worth it, I don't think you can get through to people like that :shrug: and as we drove away I could see their dogs harassing another small dog further away. It sucks how people like that can just ruin your whole day!

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Poor beautiful little Hank. It's annoying when you do your best for your puppy but cannot predict or control what other dog owners will do. Although it's upsetting that he was so frightened he peed himself it might have protected him, because it is submissive behaviour that the other dogs would understand. If he'd been bolder they might have been aggressive.

Edited by Kirislin
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Do you have any friends with friendly, trustworthy dogs he could have a play date with to keep up his confidence?

Try not to worry, they are pretty resiliant and I'm sure he will be fine :)

Good advice.

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Guest hankodie


Do you have any friends with friendly, trustworthy dogs he could have a play date with to keep up his confidence?

Try not to worry, they are pretty resiliant and I'm sure he will be fine :)

Good advice.

Aussie3 unfortunately we don't have any friends with dogs but we take him to obedience every week and there are one or two dogs there that he plays with. And of course he has his frenchie sister and they play all day long. We didn't take her with us this morning but we should have, she would have probably told those dogs off from a mile away that's for sure!

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Guest hankodie

I'm so sorry to hear you've had a bad experience, I know how it feels. My dog is non reactive and very easy going, we've been rushed by dogs and she's been knocked over and pinned down, I shout now and grab the offending dogs by the skin and hair on their backs to haul them off if I think she's going to get hurt, I give them "a thousand years of my evolution".

Don't be hard on yourself. Have a cuppa and a Chocolate biscuit : )

Alison03 you sound like a total bad*ss in the best way and I need to take a leaf from your book :laugh: I definitely need to work on my confidence when we're out and about, I am small and I hate confrontation with strangers. I have been good with just calling Hank away from potentially bad situations but I guess I didn't react quickly enough this time. All I could muster up was a surprised "hey!" and I gave them both an evil look as they walked away. Now I am going to do that annoying thing where I stew all day over everything I could've said to those 2 arseholes :mad

A cuppa is a very good idea I think!

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Don't be hard on yourself. Have a cuppa and a Chocolate biscuit : )

A cuppa is a very good idea I think!

Don't forget the chocolate biscuit. But, if you don't want it, I'll take it. :)

Edited by mita
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Have a whole packet of chocolate biscuits. I have a reactive dog who will bite so I have learned what is known as "the voice of god" or in my words getting the big girl panties on. Stand in front. get your really biggest, deepest voice and command them to go away. It's scary so you can practice at home but you get used to it and its surprisingly effective. You were taken by surprise today but unfortunately there are so many irresponsible owners that its going to happen again.

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The key is to act like it wasn't a big deal as Hank will look to you for the appropriate way to behave. So a dog roughed him up and bit him on the leg, to you it's horrible and to him it's something he's already forgotten about so don't remind him. :)

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"don't worry, millions of years of evolution, your dog will be fine!" then they left.

Millions of years of evolution and these dogs still think they need to bully others, not to mention the owners also thinking that's OK behaviour.

Sounds like the whole family needs a few more years of evolution to catch up to the rest of us :p

:mad:mad Right on. Those sorts of F***wits make my blood boil.

..... and as we drove away I could see their dogs harassing another small dog further away. It sucks how people like that can just ruin your whole day!

One of those occasions with a report is definitely called for. Particularly as one of the dogs is a puppy. Being taught really really really bad habits and will end up a danger.

A cuppa is a very good idea I think!

Don't forget the chocolate biscuit. But, if you don't want it, I'll take it. :)

Ha ha ha - you beat me to it, mita.
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Teach your dog to stay at heel if approached like that and then learn how to aim a kick at a shoulder IF when you step in front and yell at the oncoming dog (get angry and tell it its 'git outta it' or similar). There is no right that says you need to allow another dog to come near yours. If the owner wont control it a kick in the shoulder will make the dog think twice. You must have confidence though do not show you are concerned - stand tall and believe you are in control.

Also obedience classes are the best way to give your dog social interaction that is controlled with rules (they get to socialise after the class on lead at least where I went a few weeks back and even one time seems to have helped I will go back when we can).

Just re read - didn't realise he was away from where you were though if any dog ever 'bit' one of mine the next second it would get a hell of a kick (especially if I had momentum from running) and then chased off in fear for itself from me. If these dogs ever cross paths again make sure you have the camera on your phone ready too so you can get a photo of these dogs.

Edited by rubiton
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The key is to act like it wasn't a big deal as Hank will look to you for the appropriate way to behave. So a dog roughed him up and bit him on the leg, to you it's horrible and to him it's something he's already forgotten about so don't remind him. :)

I used to walk April to school with my sons when they were in infants school. Some days dogs that weren't in their yards would start to come towards us & not knowing all but one of them I used to flail my arms about at them, yell to get away & a couple of time threw a stone towards them, not the hit them, but to warn them off. Nothing ever came of those ever attacked her but my actions made her dog reactive & I had to always be aware of her body language when strange dogs were around after that.

Was it at Hawthorn Parade? I've never been there but I've heard that it's not the best place to take your dogs on the weekends when it can get very busy.

I hope Hank will be ok, it's so frustrating when you have to put up with d#@&k heads like that. I will sometimes say something in like situations but afterwards will go through my head that I should have or could of said a lot more.

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I am still angry as I type this so I apologise if this comes off more as a vent.

We have been taking our 4.5 month old puppy Hank to a lovely spot near the water that is usually very quiet. There's a cafe nearby which is usually teeming with dogs sitting with their owners but we avoid it completely and opt to set up at our quiet spot so Hank can have a sniff around the water (it's an onlead area).

This morning we went to the cafe to get 2 coffees to go, I noticed there were more people than usual with their dogs, probably because today is a public holiday. A couple of owners wanted their dogs to say hello to Hank, so I allowed a couple of polite nose-to-nose interactions before moving on. Hank has been lovely with other dogs - very polite but pretty much ignores them unless I tell him it's OK.

Anyway we got our coffees and started heading back towards our spot when I noticed 2 dogs who I saw previously at the cafe. Before I could react they rushed towards Hank. They were off lead (illegally I might add) and I had Hank on the lead. It happened so quick I didn't have time to call Hank towards me (my husband was walking a few meters ahead towards the car as we had forgotten something). Hank rolled over onto his back as he usually does for older/bigger dogs, I thought the dogs would have a polite sniff and move on but they started being really rough with him and the younger dog (who was also still a puppy) bit him on the leg! And then Hank started to wee on himself.

I tried to pick him up and move on and I called out to the owners who came over and saw that he had peed himself and then they started laughing. I was so angry I couldn't say anything, I then asked them to please call their dogs away and they did and one of the guys said to me "don't worry, millions of years of evolution, your dog will be fine!" then they left.

I am so upset and angry, mostly at myself because I feel like I failed my puppy but also at the f***wit owners for being so inconsiderate. I am probably overreacting but my older dog Odie is very reactive and I have been working so hard to make sure that Hank does not end up the same. I feel terrible that I didn't stick up for him and take control of the situation.

How does everyone deal with bad experiences with their dogs? Do you forget it and move on, or do work extra hard on training/socialisation to make sure your dog hasn't been affected?

I put Hank in the car straight after and came home, he's been napping at my feet and is acting OK but I can't help feeling so terrible about the whole situation.

ugh What awful ignorant and inconsiderate owners Hankodie :(

Poor Hank, sounds like it was a pretty scary moment for him.

As others have said, I think the best thing you can do is go back to that spot and also get him to have more good interactions with appropriate dogs. I think if you'll do this he'll be fine :)

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