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Another Child Injured


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Exactly what Korbin said. My kids have spent their entire lives around animals and are about as trained as kids can be around animals, my daughter is the only small child in the street who my neigbours nervous cattle dog will actually happily approach for a pat. However I still don't allow interaction without a reasonable level of supervision. I have a little fence across the dogs sleeping area that means no one can accidentally upset them while sleeping, they are fed out on the patio and the kids will feed them under my guidance but are then instructed to leave them alone while they eat. My kids also understand(and have done since they were only small toddlers) that the logical consequence of hurting or scaring an animal is that you are likely to be bitten, I think this knowledge gives them a healthy respect for the personal space of animals.

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Unfortunately it is the poor dog who ultimately pays the price when they finally strike back after prolonged torment in some cases. And strangely some people believe a dog should never retaliate no matter what torture is inflicted on it.

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Unfortunately it is the poor dog who ultimately pays the price when they finally strike back after prolonged torment in some cases. And strangely some people believe a dog should never retaliate no matter what torture is inflicted on it.

Thats why I am so careful when me and my dog are around children, I know if she bites (even though she never has) she will be at fault, no matter what a child did to her. It was very different when I was a child, if you were playing with someones dog, you'd get told "Don't forget his teeth are bigger than yours" or words to that affect, it gave you a healthy respect for the dog and if you did get nipped it was your fault, not the dogs.

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