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Need Advice With 7 Month Old Adopted Husky - Help!


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You are very dedicated and have shown great commitment. Though I would second the idea of caution in exposing her to small dogs when you don't know how she will react. That could be a very dangerous situation for the smaller dogs and her also if any incident occurred.

Good luck I wish you every success.

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I once placed a six month Lab pup that I had run on and decided not to keep. The pup was used to me, her mum, her gran, and a few other dogs, plus people who come and go. Got a call the next day saying that she had hidden under a bush in the back yard and would not come out. I went out and called the pup, who was happy to see me and came out from under the bush. Recommended keeping her inside for a few days. Within a few weeks she was much loved best friend to her new owner, curling up to sleep with the cat, and going everywhere in the car.

I hope your pup is like this.

Sometimes it's just the shock of first adjustment. Sometimes pups rebound pretty fast.

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