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Retained Puppy Teeth


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I have a vet visit planned for Banjo in the next week or two because I need to pick up some more worming meds and I think it's good for him to go along to the vet clinic just for a visit and know its nothing to get too worked up about, but I have noticed that he appears to have two sets of upper canines. I suspect that he has retained his puppy canines although I am sure that all his other puppy teeth have fallen out now - he's 7 months this week.

Has anyone else had their puppies retain baby teeth, particularly canines? They don't seem to be loose at all.

I had planned to have him desexed after Christmas when I will be home from work for a couple of weeks but wondered if these teeth will need to be extracted - sooner rather than later? I'm a bit worried about this :confused:

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My pug had baby teeth taken out at 10 months, the vet 'noted' it at 6 months when she was desexed but opted not to take them out then, but my 10 months it was clear they weren't going anywhere, so she went under again very briefly and had them taken out.

It wasn't a drama, it was painless and over with quickly.

Ask the vet when you're there if it can wait till he's desexed.

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I was having a panic on with Willow and some retained puppy teeth, she had retained her P2's and they felt pretty solid to me. Even had her booked in for them to be removed. In the mean time I decided to give her some hard chewing bones (lamb vertabrae...or it could have been roo tail...they look the same to me!). Gave it to her frozen...and VOILA...first day she lost one of the retained teeth, day 3 the last one was gone...Woo Hoo!

I was stressing because I didn't want her to have misaligned teeth, if you're not going to show, then I would hold off.

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I had Nitro's retained baby canines taken out just last week! He is 7 months old, they were in there pretty good and weren't coming out on their own.

Nitro and Banjo are the same age :D Different ends of the size spectrum though :laugh: How did he go with the anaesthetic? How long did the surgery take?

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Slightly different situation, but Nixon has had 2 dental surgeries so far, for broken puppy canines. The first he was in a lot of pain, and the 2nd was broken for several weeks and was starting to turn black, so we didn't want to risk infection.

Both surgeries he had no trouble with anaesthetic, and recovered very quickly and happily. I'm pretty sure the surgeries were very quick, though I'm not really sure. Would guess about 15mins? I left him at the vets all day both times.

One of the nurses told me they usually do dental last because they're a lot messier, so at my vet they do them in the arvo.

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Nitro was fine with the anaesthetic. Not sure how long the surgery was, I left him at the vet in the morning and picked him up in the evening. It didn't seem to bother him any, he was back to his bouncy self quickly. Hope the vets didn't have their hands too full with him when trying to get him under :laugh:

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