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A Very Happy Dog :)


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It's things like this that make me think everyone who says dogs can't experience 'human' emotions???

Whats classified human emotions?

happy, sad, angry, excited, playful, fearful, malicious, mourning, sensitive, trusting, kind, ect

Just has humans have I believe dogs have evolved mentally, I think it's more then just instinct and genetic impression.

I believe it's in some dogs more then others just as intellect.

How many times have we seen it in our dogs and how many times has a dog gone above and beyond for a human thay care for. Wild animals will abandon offspring if it means saving their own lives yet some pets will put themselves in direct harms way for a human and I'm not talking trained guard dogs but random dogs like the ones who will attack a mountain lion to save a child, (in the news in america or Canada years ago).

Wild dogs have a harshness needed for their environment in it takes generations to tip that behavior, But our dogs have had hundreds of generations away from that environment. Enough I believe to evolve their emotional responses and actions.

Things like prey drive was continued with in a lot of breeds so basic natural behaviors still exist, but what would have been guaranteed in every dog in the wild does not occur these days, there are huskys, GSDs, Greyhounds and many bull breeds who were bred and developed on those instincts but can produce an entire litter with no drive at all not even a basic survival backup mod. Other wise places over run with stray starving dogs would have packs stalking and killing the easiest target (un armed human) But there are some that can barely move cause they haven't ate in quite some time.

Edited by Angeluca
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This came up on my Facebook earlier today and my partner started to look at me a bit strangely once I got the uncontrollable giggles :p I hope that huskies owner realised he's going to have to rake a nice big pile of leaves daily now haha

Edited by Lasareina
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