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Takoda Is Sick :-(


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Takoda is at the vets today having blood tests. :cry:

Woke up this morning to a house full of bloody poo's and vomit so I took her straight to the vet. She even had blood dripping from her back side. :cry:

Vet suspects Hemorrhagic gastroenteritis. (HGE). I am just waiting to hear back from him with the results of the tests.

She was fine yesterday and fine last night before bed. We watched a movie together and she was her normal happy self.

I feel sick to the stomach with worry. :cry:

Please keep Cody in your thoughts and prays and keep everything crossed for her. :crossfingers::crossfingers::crossfingers:



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Of all the things that cause those symptoms HGE is one that's non contagious and less likely to be recurrent on a regular basis like IBD. And hasn't infected the environment like parvo or giardia.

It just appears out of the blue, you treat immediately (and in some cases aggressively) with everything available for gastro and while it's very scary, a healthy dog with good condition can recover just fine.

We had a feeble 8wk old pup frighten us as they do :laugh: , tested negative for parvo thank god, but she did two days in hospital with lots of TLC when she got home and was no worse for wear, she went on to grow into a sturdy girl with no return of the HGE. :)

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Thankyou everyone.

I have spoken to the vet and her PCV levels are higher than normal. (60) :(

He has her on a drip and is going to give me a call this afternoon to let me know how she is going. :crossfingers::crossfingers::crossfingers:

Awww she really is having a rough time poor bub. Hope you're doing OK k9a. :crossfingers:

You getting her to the vet so fast will really help. Try not to stress. :flower:

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k9a My Sarah has had two bouts of HGE 13 or 14 months apart some years ago. The first time was serious like yours - and after a really hairy 12 hours she recovered - she was at the vet for 2 days if I remember correctly and by late day two she was much better and letting the whole neighbourhood know about it! (I got a call to please come and get her!)

So while you'll be worried sick for the first 12 hours or there abouts - you've done everything right by getting her straight to the vet and on the drip. The drip is the citical thing IMO.

All fingers and paws crossed for you here.

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If she is at the vet and on a drip, her prospects are really pretty good.

HGE is very worrying but fluids often mean the difference between a good outcome or not.

Hope you get good news soon.

Just read your post properly HW - agree with everything you've said. smile.gif

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Thanks again everyone for your kind words, support and for sharing your own experiences with HGE.

I spoke to the vet at 5.30pm and again at 6.30. She was about the same. She keeps pulling her drip out though which worries me as she really needs it. :(

The vet told me to call back at 8.30pm for another update. :crossfingers::pray:

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Update on Takoda. :)

When I spoke to the vet at 8.30pm last night there had been no change.

Because she had somehow managed to pull the catheter out of her front leg again, they ended up putting it into her back leg.

The vet went home for a couple hours sleep (he's not a 24hr vet and actually closes at 1pm Saturdays) and called back at 12.20am saying he was on his way back to the surgery. He said he'd call back once he had checked on her.

He called back just before 1am. He said she was looking a little brighter eyed. She had kept the drip in and although she had done a clear vomit, there were no bloody poo's. He checked her temp and it was normal and he also said the thermometer was clean after he checked. (no blood) :thumbsup:

This morning he checked her PCV levels again and they were down to 52%. There were no bloody poo's in her cage but she did do a couple when she was taken outside for a walk around. She's still on the drip but they've turned it down now, from 1 drop per second to 1 drop per 3 seconds.

She also drank some water last night and this morning while I was there. :thumbsup:

I spoke to the vet again tonight and although she did a couple of runny poo's this afternoon, they are slowly starting to change colour and aren't as bloody. :thumbsup:

He's doing another PCV in the morning so fingers crossed. :crossfingers:

A couple of pics I took this morning when I visited her.

It was so good to see her and she was happy to see me too. :)

It was sad when I had to leave though, she pricked her ears and sat up thinking she was coming home too. :(

Hopefully tommorow. :crossfingers:

Although she was still a little too sick to get up to greet me, she still came to the front of the cage to say hello.

I opened the door so I could be closer to her. :heart:




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