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Man Punches Police Dog, Gets Bitten On Penis...


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It's a dog attack, it's reflexive; people have a tendency to just react when they're panicked and under such serious threat. The central point is, as Daffy says, defending oneself against the dog is inevitable.

I reckon disembowelling it would get it off pretty quick Lhok. Steph I'd say I'd be pretty well game to try it if it bit me like it did this guy, beats the alternative. If a cop mutilated a guys penis in the course of an arrest there'd be justified accusations of brutality flying in thick and fast, but if he sets his dog on someone and it does it not only isn't it considered brutality, but he isn't responsible either! Lol

Edited by KungLao
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The criminal is responsible. A dog is not released or allowed near a person without repeated and due warning. If the police told me to stop or they would release the dog I would stop without question!

Fortunately my life is not that interesting so the chances of it happening are extremely low!

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It's a dog attack, it's reflexive; people have a tendency to just react when they're panicked and under such serious threat. The central point is, as Daffy says, defending oneself against the dog is inevitable.

Where exactly does it say the dog was attacking when it was punched ??? :confused:

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Dunno, you tell me (???).

That was a response to Steph who made a general observation about police dogs, to which I offered a reply about the general nature of people's reactions when under imminent threat.

In this case in particular though, defending oneself against the dog is still inevitable as I think we can safely infer from the info that it was in very close proximity, he was trapped, and it was menacing him.

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The consequences are collective. Suppose the suspect doesn't quite 'feel like' 'coming forward', the handler still uses the dog to intimidate or attack, whether or not the victim co-operates with police instruction is irrelevant, it takes nothing away from the fact that the handler wilfully put it in danger by using it as a weapon.

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I think it would be unlikely you would disembowel a police dog Kung Lao. Unless you carry around a fairly long knife around in which case you are a criminal. Another thing is you need to be trained to be able to actually take an attack dog down it isn't as easy as you might think. I've read several SaS survival guides and only one went into great detail about attack dogs this particular guide stated to avoid any conflict with attack dogs as they are faster and often can take more punishment then a man and still carry on doing the job they are trained for.

I get general the feeling you just don't like police dogs or the police for that matter.


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Yeah right, it's a dog not a cyborg, if it's dead it won't carry on doing anything. My list of various likes and dislikes are irrelevant--my central point is that the handler of a dog who wilfully encourages it to intimidate and attack people is responsible for any injuries it incures, and that's beyond sensible dispute.

What suppose I do carry around a knife and that I'm a criminal--non sequitur.

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