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Crate Training


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I would love to hear your favourite book or website re crate training. I hope to have our new family member in December and want to be ready as best as I can. I crate trained my parents schnauzer 10 years ago but Im sure there is much more info out there now about.

We will be going to shows and I want to make travelling in a crate a safe and fun thing

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I have crate trained several pups over the years and I've never bothered with crate games or any such thing. I bring pup home and come night time pup is put in crate in my bedroom and that's it. Set the alarm twice overnight for a few nights, then once, then none. Pop pup in crate during day if I am going out no drama. Go to a show, pup goes in crate. No issues.

My advice is - don't over think it.

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Another one here who didn't do much crate training. Cleo was 6 months when I started though, but I will be using the same technique with my next pup who'll be a baby.

Cleo already knew to "station" i.e go to a certain spot before she was allowed to move towards her bowl. One day the stationing spot changed from a tramp bed to a crate with a bed inside it, she barely blinked at it. Being shut in the crate didn't happen for a few more months but now she sleeps in there every night, and will spend a day at a show in there. She loves her crate!

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We never looked at 'training' our pups for the crates.

They simply were put in there at night to sleep. Cover over.

My SBT has a medium size still with a divider in hers because if I give her too much space she piddles in there still. Shes 4mths

Our Mini Schnauzer who is 5.5mths has always had a full medium crate with no issues. He was allowed on the bed for a few weeks before the SBT came to live with us and made the transition to crate really smoothly :)

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