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Fear Period

Guest hanko

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Guest hankodie

Don't freak out! How old is Hank now? (sorry if I missed it)

Envy started barking at the odd dog or person recently but just because she is getting older and more confident. Just keep asking for behaviours you can reward. Practice your focus and obedience and act like the other dog is no big deal.

Lollipup he's 13 weeks this week, glad to hear it's not as abnormal as I thought! I reward him for eye contact when we are out and about and I practice basic commands (sit, heel, down etc). Just yesterday we were at the oval and a lady kept hanging around with her bull terrier to watch us train but he was more interested in offering some lovely behaviours like sitting quietly and dropping, all which I rewarded him for. I think because I didn't anticipate him barking that threw me off guard :o

Just remember they can take their direction from you so stay calm and don't freak out if you can. The BAT Stuff is good. Remember to move him calmly away and refocus. Passing dogs are not a big deal do show him that ;)

Thanks Espinay. I tend to go into panic mode whenever I see another dog because of my other dog's reactivity so I have to keep telling myself to stay calm and relax! Perhaps I need to take up some meditation or something, I need to be a bit more zen methinks :laugh:

I had read about this fear phase puppies/young dogs can go through and I was dreading going through it with my puppy (ive never owned a dog from a puppy stage before) and i'm yet to still experience with it with Miah. She will be a 1 year this Nov. If anything shes too confident for her own good sometimes. Maybe it will still happen, but so far nothing seems to faze her, We go out with her, she meets many dogs out and about all sizes, breeds and luckily so far hasn't had any negative experiences with them or anything for that matter.

I have heard that some Cavaliers can be a bit skitish, but shes certainly not one of them.

We even have a steam train around here (cockle train) and its very noisy, and even the first time we walked close by it, she didn't even react to it .

She is always excited to go up to anyone, I did make sure i got her out and about as her as she had been vaccinated.

Jules Miah sounds lovely! A confident happy dog is always a beautiful thing to see. I have been taking Hank out and about since the day we got him. He's seemed to take everything in stride except for the little incident today.

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