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What's The Most Frustrating Statement Someone Has Made To You Late


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I've had full on arguments when people ask what breed bear is.

Me: 'she's a *deep breath* Nova Scotia duck tolling retriever'.

Nutcase: A what?

Me: Toller, we call them Tollers

Nutcase: bahahaha you must be stupid, there is no such thing

Me: they are a real breed I assure you, you just don't see many of them

Nutcase: you have been scammed. I know dogs, that's a border collie

Me: she isn't, she's a toller

Nutcase: listen, I knowEVERYTHING about dogs and there is no such dog as a grover scott duck tigger

Me: you are absolutely right, there is no such dog as a Grover Scott duck tigger, have a great day **runs for it**

rofl1.gif That's fantastic PD...

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I always thought Shihtzu's were a well known breed, when anybody asks her breed I take a deep breath because I know I could get many different replies like "Shit what, oh you are kidding, what is it really" and from the elderly "Pardon dear". One deaf old guy just couldn't hear me and I didn't want to shout Shihtzu any louder, he came to my rescue by saying "Is she a miniature Pekinese". I said "Yes close enough" and took off.

The sweetest enquiry was an old lady her walked up to me, burst into tears and said "She's a Shihtzu,she looks just like my Molly, she died last year". We were both weeping in the end.

Edited by Alison03
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That's one advantage of having greyhounds, they don't get confused with other breeds.

???? Mine have been confused with: whippets, Great Danes, Dobes, deer, staffies and tigers.

Someone asked me once if Maddie was a whippet as she is quite small for a grey but I have had many foster greys of all sizes and colours and never had any of the above :shrug:

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That's one advantage of having greyhounds, they don't get confused with other breeds.

???? Mine have been confused with: whippets, Great Danes, Dobes, deer, staffies and tigers.

Someone asked me once if Maddie was a whippet as she is quite small for a grey but I have had many foster greys of all sizes and colours and never had any of the above :shrug:

I will confess that after I got my fist Dane (he was a really, really big boy, head at my elbow kind of size) I became really confused about the size of some breeds of dog. Because my boy became 'normal sized' and all other dogs just looked SO small. I had to really think about whether I was seeing a Greyhound or a whippet. And once I saw a standard poodle, but I was there for ages wondering whether it might actually be a mini - because it just looked so small to me :o

I know that sounds really daft :laugh:

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I will confess that after I got my fist Dane (he was a really, really big boy, head at my elbow kind of size) I became really confused about the size of some breeds of dog. Because my boy became 'normal sized' and all other dogs just looked SO small. I had to really think about whether I was seeing a Greyhound or a whippet. And once I saw a standard poodle, but I was there for ages wondering whether it might actually be a mini - because it just looked so small to me :o

I know that sounds really daft :laugh:

I understand actually, I am the same with the Borzoi, especially when I had males who are quite a bit taller than my current girls. People tell me they have a big dog and it's a Husky or Collie or something and I'm like 'where's the big dog?'.

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That's one advantage of having greyhounds, they don't get confused with other breeds.

???? Mine have been confused with: whippets, Great Danes, Dobes, deer, staffies and tigers.

Someone asked me once if Maddie was a whippet as she is quite small for a grey but I have had many foster greys of all sizes and colours and never had any of the above :shrug:

I will confess that after I got my fist Dane (he was a really, really big boy, head at my elbow kind of size) I became really confused about the size of some breeds of dog. Because my boy became 'normal sized' and all other dogs just looked SO small. I had to really think about whether I was seeing a Greyhound or a whippet. And once I saw a standard poodle, but I was there for ages wondering whether it might actually be a mini - because it just looked so small to me :o

I know that sounds really daft :laugh:

No it doesn't sound daft at all :) I know what you mean, when I first got Stan I thought he was huge compared to my last dog and then I gradually got used to their size. When people say to me now how big they are, I think to myself 'no they're not, Danes are big'.

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It's good other people can relate. There should be a name for it, Giant Dog Distortion Disorder. Afflicts owners of very large dogs. Owners eventually recover with or without therapy :p

Then when you get a smaller dog, like SM or me (I now have a "mini dane") you get a different disorder where you think your still really quite large dog, is actually rather small :laugh:

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It's good other people can relate. There should be a name for it, Giant Dog Distortion Disorder. Afflicts owners of very large dogs. Owners eventually recover with or without therapy :p

Then when you get a smaller dog, like SM or me (I now have a "mini dane") you get a different disorder where you think your still really quite large dog, is actually rather small :laugh:

:laugh: GDDD I love it.

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I always thought Shihtzu's were a well known breed, when anybody asks her breed I take a deep breath because I know I could get many different replies like "Shit what, oh you are kidding, what is it really" and from the elderly "Pardon dear". One deaf old guy just couldn't hear me and I didn't want to shout Shihtzu any louder, he came to my rescue by saying "Is she a miniature Pekinese". I said "Yes close enough" and took off.

The sweetest enquiry was an old lady her walked up to me, burst into tears and said "She's a Shihtzu,she looks just like my Molly, she died last year". We were both weeping in the end.

Similar thing happened to me a few years back. I was out walking one of my boys when a woman came running over with her little girl absolutely gushing about Misty, asking if she could pat him. Turned out she used to have a Sammy and he'd died just before her daughter was born. The poor woman was in tears telling me about her boy and explaining that "this is what my boy looked like" to her little girl.

It was a bittersweet moment.

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"My dog is trained at 9 weeks old, all you need to teach little dogs is to pee outside, they're so little they can't be too hard to handle"

From another woman at work who was recommending her 'maltese shihtzu breeder' to someone for her kids birthday, cause there's always puppies ready!

Oooook. Sure.

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I had someone ask me how to spell Shih Tzu. She literally wrote Sh!tzoo :eek: Um, no :laugh: How can you own a dog and not even know how to spell the breed??? :confused:

I've had my greys confused as whippets and a having a bigish whippet (16/17kg) means people always think he's a greyhound.

I had to walk away from an elderly man who was trying to have an argument with me about my whippet being a greyhound. I know what breed my dog is but I don't really care enough to stay and prove to you that I'm right! :banghead:

My Aussie Shep is 18 weeks old and I think I've only had one person that actually knew what breed she was without being told. Most tell her how cute she is though so they're forgiven :laugh: Most think she's either a Koolie cross because she's blue or a Stumpy Cattle Dog cross because she's a bob.

Edited by kdf
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I had someone ask me how to spell Shih Tzu. She literally wrote Sh!tzoo :eek: Um, no :laugh: How can you own a dog and not even know how to spell the breed??? :confused:

My aunty used to breed and show Shih Tzu's and I swear my uncle's favourite joke was "What do you call a zoo with no animals"..."a sh!t zoo" :o

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I had someone ask me how to spell Shih Tzu. She literally wrote Sh!tzoo :eek: Um, no :laugh: How can you own a dog and not even know how to spell the breed??? :confused:

My aunty used to breed and show Shih Tzu's and I swear my uncle's favourite joke was "What do you call a zoo with no animals"..."a sh!t zoo" :o

Kinda funny when you know they're joking :laugh: . Just sad when you know they're not.

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I always thought Shihtzu's were a well known breed, when anybody asks her breed I take a deep breath because I know I could get many different replies like "Shit what, oh you are kidding, what is it really" and from the elderly "Pardon dear". One deaf old guy just couldn't hear me and I didn't want to shout Shihtzu any louder, he came to my rescue by saying "Is she a miniature Pekinese". I said "Yes close enough" and took off.

The sweetest enquiry was an old lady her walked up to me, burst into tears and said "She's a Shihtzu,she looks just like my Molly, she died last year". We were both weeping in the end.

Similar thing happened to me a few years back. I was out walking one of my boys when a woman came running over with her little girl absolutely gushing about Misty, asking if she could pat him. Turned out she used to have a Sammy and he'd died just before her daughter was born. The poor woman was in tears telling me about her boy and explaining that "this is what my boy looked like" to her little girl.

It was a bittersweet moment.

I had another woman tell me she owned a dog just like mine but she wouldn't have another one because she can't take it when they die : ( That was a bit depressing.

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"My dog is trained at 9 weeks old, all you need to teach little dogs is to pee outside, they're so little they can't be too hard to handle"

From another woman at work who was recommending her 'maltese shihtzu breeder' to someone for her kids birthday, cause there's always puppies ready!

Oooook. Sure.

Wow I wish it was that easy. If that's all you do with a little dog it will be biting the grand kids in no time. You have to treat them like you would a big dog, or there will be problems.

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Someone once asked me if my Pug was a Pit Bull.

I got asked if my Flat Coat was a staffy. TWICE. Sure guys. Same same...?

Lol, I'm half expecting someone to have a story about the time someone thought their dog was zebra.

Hahahahaaaa! Exactly!

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