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Which Breed Is For Me?


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I've never owned a Boston, but I know quite a few and man, they're active little buggers! If you're not particularly active and have knee trouble, I wouldn't personally be looking at one.. Boston Terriers are HUGE in my area at the moment, I live in hipster central and there are so many of them (and Frenchies!). It's Bostons, Frenchies and oodles.. and a few people I speak to regularly at the park have said numerous times that if they had any idea of the activity levels and exercise requirements of their Boston before they got him/her, they wouldn't have.

Which obviously speaks loads about the amount of research they did before choosing the breed.. but hey, they're the instagram dog of the moment, people want Bostons and Frenchies because they're cute and cool etc.

So that's my anecdotal input into this topic! But I do think it suggests that there is a lack of awareness about the true nature and needs of the breed, that may play into things like breed suggestion quizzes etc.. but they really don't seem like the kind of breed that is happy with a walk and then a cuddle on the couch for the rest of the time. :)

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Just to be clear, I don't have a 'preconceived notion' of greyhounds, I have actually been a greyhound owner in the past. Our GAP assessed 'cat safe' greyhound randomly put holes in our cat one day and in the end had to be rehomed back through GAP :( She was a fantastic dog in every other way, I absolutely adored her so was very sad it didn't work out and I wasn't prepared to risk another.

So would any other breed it isn't exclusive to Greyhounds .

Cats & dogs is a carefully thought out plan & sometimes it doesn't work .

To the OP if its an indoor cat only & you intend it to be that way then the dog will not have access outside ,so you to decide what the living arrangements will be when your out

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Oh..and some ideas for your cat when you move ;)


have fun researching your new dog ..... :)

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Oh.. yes, sorry . It was about cat runs etc .. home made, cat mc mansions ..all sorts to keep indoor cats safe outdoors :) (and to stop owners tearing their hair out at clawed flyscreens & things!!

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