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Human Grade Chicken Mince Or Chicken Frames Minced?


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I was told to use necks for my samoyed after he swallowed part of a wing, the vet told me never to give wings, huge choke hazzard, necks are better as bones smaller so less likely to cause issues??

  On 29/08/2013 at 5:34 AM, Frodo said:
  On 29/08/2013 at 5:16 AM, persephone said:

Hi :)

No need to chop chicken necks .. that 's why dogs have teeth! ..a good sized chicken neck or wing is great chewing for a puppy - keeps them occupied and exercised for some time .

he doesn't need mince at all, unless he's unwell , or has lost a lot of teeth ... chicken wings, frames (cut into 1/4's) , lamb flap pieces, beef ribs/oxtails.. he will appreciate them all!

he will also benefit from the addition of things like eggs, sardines,half apples to play with/chew,...

I would just like to say my gorgeous Frenchie Gracie had teeth and she choked on a chicken neck :cry:

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Some dogs will try to swallow necks and or wings whole - if they do, take it off them and don't feed it again. Find another type of bone/meat that is more suitable.

I feed a combination of Earthborn Holistic (Primitive) and raw meaty bones + some yoghurt or cottage cheese, sardines are also fed once a week instead of the breaky meat..

The dogs get a lamb rib (flap) or chook frame and some kibble of a morning. the amount of kibble depends on the size of the meaty bone.. if the chook frames are large, I will cut them in half and they get half each.

Dinner is mostly kangaroo and kibble but occasionally they will get some beef.

A marrow bone once a fortnight is more than enough and it lasts for ages because they will bury it and dig it up every day for a week..

Kong filled with cottage cheese mixed with kibble and a bit of peanut butter is also a great treat.

In summer I freeze turkey wings (when I can get them) or necks in either water or watered down chicken stock as a big meaty ice block as a treat.

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Pugs are inhalers with food and will choke on whole chook necks, so I chop them roughly into thirds. In the height of summer I will give them whole necks frozen like a sort of chook icy-pole, they never choke on those LOL.

I used to buy chook frames for the medium size and upward dogs, chook wings for the little terriers and chook necks for the pugs and any other shortnoses ( I was terrified of them poking themselves in the eye while gnawing on a wing).

One day I had no necks and so took the cleaver to some large chook carcases and gave one third of a carcass to each pug - they actually chewed them instead of inhaling them so it has been carcasses for pugs ever since and necks just now and again for a change.smile.gif

A good quality kibble for one daily meal and raw the other is a great diet. As others have already said do try to vary your protein sources for the raw, mine are on a rotation of raw chook, fish, a raw vegetable/raw mince/trace minerals and fats patty and meaty roo bones. Very occassionally I will give meaty lamb or beef bones but not too often as it is hard to find non-fatty ones. Growing puppies get the fattier bones.

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