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A Request From A Desperate Tenterfield Terrier


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This is a weird one - but Kyzer has a toy he LOVESSSSSS more than anything - it is a brilliant toy I bought some years ago called a Ring Zinger - the ring bit is his constant companion, only it's looking in a bad way and is currently being held together by tape... so just posting this on the odd chance someone has a spare ring zinger sitting unused they would like to rehome, or if anyone knows where I can get one? They don't seem to make them anymore :( Why didn't I stock up!!! I would be happy to pay for it :)


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I have bought the Kong ones - they are smaller and he hates them :laugh:

I just found one on Amazon UK but won't ship here!

If you can't find anything, give me an address and phone number and I'll see if I can find a company that will ship to you.

zzzhttp://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=ring+zinger is the URL I used. I don't know if it will divert elsewhere if you try in Australia, but it came up with four or five merchants....likely that one of them does ship to Oz.

Amazon US says they do generally ship to Oz at standard international shipping rates.

Edited by sandgrubber
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Thanks Sandgrubber - those ones on that link are all different - they say rubber but the one I have is yellow vinyl which I think is part of the reason he likes it more than the kong ones which he barely even sniffed!

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Porton say if you want something outside of the UK you have to contact them, they wont just ship through the website because they're not set up for int shipping rate calculation automatically. Send them an email. Most others will post too if you just email them, I've talked people into stuff before!

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Guest RosieFT

if only you had posted this a week ago..... i bought this toy from clean run and they sent the rings but apologised but no longer had the throwing device....

I found a ring in my cupboard last week and let her play with it.... lets just say it didn't last very long....

But she did love it LOL

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if only you had posted this a week ago..... i bought this toy from clean run and they sent the rings but apologised but no longer had the throwing device....

I found a ring in my cupboard last week and let her play with it.... lets just say it didn't last very long....

But she did love it LOL

I think you mean the smaller Kong ones do you? We bought them from CR at the same time?

Why do they have to love hard to find toys :laugh:

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Guest RosieFT

if only you had posted this a week ago..... i bought this toy from clean run and they sent the rings but apologised but no longer had the throwing device....

I found a ring in my cupboard last week and let her play with it.... lets just say it didn't last very long....

But she did love it LOL

I think you mean the smaller Kong ones do you? We bought them from CR at the same time?

Why do they have to love hard to find toys :laugh:

umm, pretty sure it said zinger on it... i can find a piece of it.. LOL

I was annoyed because i wanted the toy you had used for Rosie at murdoch that time.. that was the zinger wasn't it?

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Guest RosieFT

well then , yes, it was the one you ordered LOL

The original must have been made of sterner stuff! This ring didn't last long at all LOL.


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Hey Pie,

I found this thread while desperately searching for the Kong brand rings. I have the exact opposite problem to you!

We bought McKinley the yellow rings when he was a pup, but when they became hard to find, we tried the kong rings. He's absolutely obsessed with them as they are 'walk only' toys and he will chase them till he can barely walk anymore if we let him....but Kong don't seem to be making them anymore and ours are falling apart - they always get a weak point and snap somewhere along the ring. We've taken to taping our remaining two rings back together as it seems to be the only toy he'll chase.

I've still got an almost new yellow ring zinger and thrower. We tried to get him excited over that, but without luck. I've been looking everywhere for the blue kong rings, but no go. Does anywhere here know where they are still for sale?

I'd be willing to look at a postal swap of our yellow ring for your blue ones, if you're interested!

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