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Puppy With Diarrhoea


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Hi, I am lost and stress at the moment at my pup's bouts of diarrhoea.. frown.giffrown.gif She is 15 weeks old now. I got her at 8 weeks old.

She started having her diarrhoea at about 2 weeks ago and she had her first course of antibiotics. She was fine with it for the 5 days course but came back after 24 hours.

Then back to the vet, was given Metrogyl antibiotics and Baycox (5 days, skip 7 days, 5 days again course), as vet tested a sample from her anus and found cell looking like Coccidia oocysts. She had her first 5 days course and she was good, soft poo but not runny. However, as she is off it, within the next 24 hours, she is back with her first diarrhoea this morning. I am going insane.... crying.gifcrying.gifcrying.gif

She seems to be eating much lesser nowadays, perhaps the bland food is not so enticing. Although nothing has change, she is eating and playing. crossfingers.gif Hope that won't change..

I don't know what else to do... Should I be going to the vet today to ask for lab test?

I have an adult 1 and half year dog, Snowy. He is fine.


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We tend to use Baycox as a one dose treatment in our rescue - usually works for us after the first dose. We dose at 0.2ml per kilo of the dog's weight. In extreme cases we will follow up with a second single dose a week after the first.

Have you dosed your pup for other intestinal worms lately? We use Canex or Fenpral on our pups as they are easier on the gut than Drontal... Drontal is harder on the gut and we've seen quite a few pups with a week of diarrhoea after using Drontal...

Has your vet looked for Giardia as well in the fecal float? We've seen Coccidia AND Giardia both present in some of our rescues. Symptoms of both are very similar, but require different drugs to eradicate.


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We tend to use Baycox as a one dose treatment in our rescue - usually works for us after the first dose. We dose at 0.2ml per kilo of the dog's weight. In extreme cases we will follow up with a second single dose a week after the first.

Have you dosed your pup for other intestinal worms lately? We use Canex or Fenpral on our pups as they are easier on the gut than Drontal... Drontal is harder on the gut and we've seen quite a few pups with a week of diarrhoea after using Drontal...

Has your vet looked for Giardia as well in the fecal float? We've seen Coccidia AND Giardia both present in some of our rescues. Symptoms of both are very similar, but require different drugs to eradicate.


Vet prescribed the Baycox and has asked us to give her 0.75ml daily for 5 days, skip 7 days and repeat after that for 5 days. Now we are in the second day of skip days.

I don't remember if vet was looking for all types of bacteria, eg Giardia or he may have particularly looking at Coccidia only. I might give him a ring just to confirm.

She has been vac (2nd) and dewormed with Sentinal Spectrum at 12 weeks of age, and a week after she started her diarrhoea as per my post explaining the ordeal. I have not deworm her since but she is scheduled for her next, this month end. Where can I get the Canex or Fenpral? Is it available in pet store or from the vet? I haven't seen both the brand before..

crying.gif I am so worried and stress

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What are you feeding the pup? SOmetimes they can have very sensitive tummies.

I hope you can get it sorted soon, you must be very worried :(

at the moment, chicken breast and her usual Optimum Puppy kibble..

she was fine with her diet since young till she has her bouts of diarrhoea.. no idea what triggers it crying.gif Yes I am so so worried and stressss

Thanks Clyde

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Great advice above. Our pup's coccidia was treated with 3 doses of baycox, then same again 2 weeks later (just in case). He improved a lot, then about 3 weeks later he got sick, and it was Giardia, and a bacterial infection, which were treated with drontal (for giardia it's a higher dose than for worming), and antibiotics.

After that the diarrhoea improved, but his poo was really soft for a long time. I think episodes like this are really hard on a young pup. As I've said elsewhere, youghurt and probiotics have got him back on the right track, and I swear by them.

It's highly possible there's something else going on - we got some fairly comprehensive tests done on his stools (I think they sent it away to a lab), which ended up showing the giardia and bacterial infection as well as a few hookworm eggs apparently... I believe the test was quite expensive, but was covered by our insurance.

I hope you get it sorted soon, I still remember all too clearly how awful it is to be cleaning up runny poos all the time :( Let us know how you go.

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We tend to use Baycox as a one dose treatment in our rescue - usually works for us after the first dose. We dose at 0.2ml per kilo of the dog's weight. In extreme cases we will follow up with a second single dose a week after the first.

Have you dosed your pup for other intestinal worms lately? We use Canex or Fenpral on our pups as they are easier on the gut than Drontal... Drontal is harder on the gut and we've seen quite a few pups with a week of diarrhoea after using Drontal...

Has your vet looked for Giardia as well in the fecal float? We've seen Coccidia AND Giardia both present in some of our rescues. Symptoms of both are very similar, but require different drugs to eradicate.


Vet prescribed the Baycox and has asked us to give her 0.75ml daily for 5 days, skip 7 days and repeat after that for 5 days. Now we are in the second day of skip days.

I don't remember if vet was looking for all types of bacteria, eg Giardia or he may have particularly looking at Coccidia only. I might give him a ring just to confirm.

She has been vac (2nd) and dewormed with Sentinal Spectrum at 12 weeks of age, and a week after she started her diarrhoea as per my post explaining the ordeal. I have not deworm her since but she is scheduled for her next, this month end. Where can I get the Canex or Fenpral? Is it available in pet store or from the vet? I haven't seen both the brand before..

crying.gif I am so worried and stress

If you have your pup on Sentinel Spectrum you do not need to double dose by giving Canex or Fenpral.

Please check with your vet before adding in additional worming products.

Edited by cavNrott
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Great advice above. Our pup's coccidia was treated with 3 doses of baycox, then same again 2 weeks later (just in case). He improved a lot, then about 3 weeks later he got sick, and it was Giardia, and a bacterial infection, which were treated with drontal (for giardia it's a higher dose than for worming), and antibiotics.

After that the diarrhoea improved, but his poo was really soft for a long time. I think episodes like this are really hard on a young pup. As I've said elsewhere, youghurt and probiotics have got him back on the right track, and I swear by them.

It's highly possible there's something else going on - we got some fairly comprehensive tests done on his stools (I think they sent it away to a lab), which ended up showing the giardia and bacterial infection as well as a few hookworm eggs apparently... I believe the test was quite expensive, but was covered by our insurance.

I hope you get it sorted soon, I still remember all too clearly how awful it is to be cleaning up runny poos all the time :( Let us know how you go.

Gosh, you and pup have gone through a lot.

She had her first runny poo this morning, with a loud fart that shocked me too. She was playful after that, having a go with her toys as usual. She has been resting right after till now.

I might call the vet an inquire about Giardia and Hookworm..

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Yeah, it was a very tough first few weeks, but he's great now :)

That does seem a bit odd that as soon as the antibiotics stop, it's back... I know with coccidia it generally doesn't cause a problem until they're stressed, which is why it usually affects pups when they first go to their new home, if they have it. If there's nothing new that might have stressed your pup out, I'd be inclined to think that maybe something else is the problem. Also the fact you've already dosed with baycox would suggest the coccidia should be gone now. I also think it's a bit weird that the vet said they found one cell that looked like coccidia? When they looked at Nixon's sample, there was no hesitation in finding plenty of coccidia oocysts.

Time to look for another cause I think.

I still think it sounds a bit weird they're treating with antibiotics too - unless they think there's another likely cause that they just haven't told you about?!

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Yeah, it was a very tough first few weeks, but he's great now :)

That does seem a bit odd that as soon as the antibiotics stop, it's back... I know with coccidia it generally doesn't cause a problem until they're stressed, which is why it usually affects pups when they first go to their new home, if they have it. If there's nothing new that might have stressed your pup out, I'd be inclined to think that maybe something else is the problem. Also the fact you've already dosed with baycox would suggest the coccidia should be gone now. I also think it's a bit weird that the vet said they found one cell that looked like coccidia? When they looked at Nixon's sample, there was no hesitation in finding plenty of coccidia oocysts.

Time to look for another cause I think.

I still think it sounds a bit weird they're treating with antibiotics too - unless they think there's another likely cause that they just haven't told you about?!

sorry about my explanation ... I meant to say found some coccidia oocysts and he was explaining one particular cell surrounding the feces cell, etc.. hence my confusing explanation. ... silly me... dummy.gif

I don't know if any other problems other than coccidia.. perhaps she is trying to get well by her own.. ? However, her last runny poo was 6am and till now, she is sleeping.. crossfingers.gif the next one is better... !

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Is it possible that your dog may be one of the few who have side effects caused by Sentinal Spectrum?

The side effects of Sentinel Spectrum are rare at the recommended dosage. Sentinel Spectrum has a wide margin of safety for all sizes and breeds of dogs including Collies. It is approved for use in puppies as young as 6 weeks, pregnant females, breeding bitches and stud dogs. Adverse reactions reported include vomiting, diarrhoea, depression/lethargy and pruritis. If unusual signs develop following treatment with Sentinel Spectrum, consult a veterinarian immediately.

With our rescue pups, we will dose once prophylactically with Baycox, and give Canex or Fenpral worming tablets (or Canex puppy syrup if the pups are under 2kg) about 24-48 hours after giving the Baycox dose. If there are fleas present, we will use Revolution spot on for the pups' weight range.


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Is it possible that your dog may be one of the few who have side effects caused by Sentinal Spectrum?

The side effects of Sentinel Spectrum are rare at the recommended dosage. Sentinel Spectrum has a wide margin of safety for all sizes and breeds of dogs including Collies. It is approved for use in puppies as young as 6 weeks, pregnant females, breeding bitches and stud dogs. Adverse reactions reported include vomiting, diarrhoea, depression/lethargy and pruritis. If unusual signs develop following treatment with Sentinel Spectrum, consult a veterinarian immediately.

With our rescue pups, we will dose once prophylactically with Baycox, and give Canex or Fenpral worming tablets (or Canex puppy syrup if the pups are under 2kg) about 24-48 hours after giving the Baycox dose. If there are fleas present, we will use Revolution spot on for the pups' weight range.


don't think it's due to Sentinal Spectrum. Had her a week before her diarrhoea and then it continues..

I think at the moment she is having soft poo, and am hoping that she is slowly getting better..

I am sure it is something on the coccidia, maybe giardia or etc.

Vet can see the coccidia cells so basically she has it..

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We tend to use Baycox as a one dose treatment in our rescue - usually works for us after the first dose. We dose at 0.2ml per kilo of the dog's weight. In extreme cases we will follow up with a second single dose a week after the first.

Have you dosed your pup for other intestinal worms lately? We use Canex or Fenpral on our pups as they are easier on the gut than Drontal... Drontal is harder on the gut and we've seen quite a few pups with a week of diarrhoea after using Drontal...

Has your vet looked for Giardia as well in the fecal float? We've seen Coccidia AND Giardia both present in some of our rescues. Symptoms of both are very similar, but require different drugs to eradicate.


about Giardia, Metrogyl antibiotics seems to be one that can kill the bacteria.. so I think it's covered?

She will be having her next course next week. At the moment, she is off it for whole week.

her poo seems to be ok but soft... will slowly gain her weight and have her nutrient back up before changing her diet to harden the poo

oh yeah, got Eukanuba Intestinal Plus for puppy, recommended by vet

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I got her Eukanuba Intestinal Plus for Puppy the other day. She is also on chicken breast.

Her poo was soft and this morning it finally firms up.

Hopefully by next course of medication, next week, she will be all good crossfingers.gif

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Puppy is due for 3rd vaccination today and she still has another set of antibiotics to go..

Do I get her vaccinated and also on antibiotic course?

Will that affects her internally in long term?

Vet did said that with both he don't see any issue at all

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The usual 'golden rule' is to never vaccinate a sick puppy ... their immune systems are busy fighting off one thing, and then they cop a dose of something else ... however... if you trust this vet , then go ahead .

I do trust the vet as they are adamant that to get the puppy covered, we should be having her vac this weekend. I can understand that.

But I told them that I am not comfortable having too many things pumping into a tiny puppy.

So I have postponed the vac to 2 days after the next antibiotic course completed.

I won't be deworming her till then too.

I wonder if using Frontline on her is ok?

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