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I'm seeing the puppies in a few weeks as they are only about 4 weeks old and not ready to go.

All checks and registered breeder all good. Just have to convince my mum this is a good decision, I don't see what her issue is with it all

Edited by oneteaspoon
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didnt you say in a past post your Mother had health issues and that was her concern about you getting a puppy ? I might have the wrong person? embarrass.gif

I know you would do most of the looking after the puppy, and offer it heaps of love and care.(you sound like a very caring person). but I must admit i have chronic health issues and i have found it bit harder than I thought it would be ..but i am luckily i have a supportive husband to help me with Miah and the rest of our pets biggrin.gif Luckily Miahs been a fairly good and well behaved puppy for us but puppies still are a lot of work regardless.

I do hope you get one tho! you sound like you deserve to have one in your life ! x

Edited by Jules❤3Cavs
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didnt you say in a past post your Mother had health issues and that was her concern about you getting a puppy ? I might have the wrong person? embarrass.gif

I know you would do most of the looking after the puppy, and offer it heaps of love and care.(you sound like a very caring person). but I must admit i have chronic health issues and i have found it bit harder than I thought it would be ..but i am luckily i have a supportive husband to help me with Miah and the rest of our pets biggrin.gif Luckily Miahs been a fairly good and well behaved puppy for us but puppies still are a lot of work regardless.

I do hope you get one tho! you sound like you deserve to have one in your life ! x

You have a good memory. Yes it was me, back then I thought I could keep a Labrador, talk about the worst decision that would have been. My mum is unwell and I suffer mental health issues and have injuries which is stopping me from work. I have 3 turtles that require everything if not more than a dog does besides the walks, toilet training.

I believe a dog will help both of us mental wise. And for me would get me back out into the world as I've lost all my friends since my injuries and I spend most of my days in bed or on the couch because I don't see a lot of point in life. A dog would be ae to show me the world through their eyes and teach me to love again.

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Can I ask a question about dog foods. I'm looking around and there are heaps of brands all at different prices.

My question is

1 - what do you feed your dog?


2 - does expensive mean better quality ?

I've seen the my dog puppy packs, looking at this for my puppy but after feedback about your experience

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When you get a puppy, the breeder should advise on the food to use immediately . It's best to stay on the breeder's recommendation for a while, to avoid tummy upsets - then, if the food is unsuitable, or you need to change, you can gradually swap . So, chat to the breeder first :)

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As Perse says, definitely stick to what your breeder gas been feeding and if you want to change, change gradually. Puppy tummies get upsets really easily.

My finances have varied dramatically lately so value for money has been very important (my dogs are all adults now tho so tummies are less sensitive and their vital physical growing stages ate over) so basically -

My number 1 preference us Advance - my dogs have good condition (weight, coats, eyes, breath etc) on it and it gives them small, firm, non smelly poos, which to me shows they are getting good nutrition from it.

2nd choice, and budget friendly, is Optimum. I actually find that for my dogs this works for them about as well as Advance.

Totally broke, I'm eating noodles and white bread equivalent (literally) - I actually food they did ok on Aldi food, kept condition ok after about a week and a half, poos were bigger and looser but really not bad. However I would only feed this short term as I'm just not sure about the ingredients, nutritional value etc.

I also tried a large chain supermarket brand, ingredients not great but from memory did have meat/meat meal as first ingredient - seriously more poo came out than food went in! Large, soft poo 4 times a day, compared to basically solid poos once, maybe twice a day. Quinn also lost a lot of weight within a week, despite eating probably the same volume as the other foods.

It's not just about price, it's about what goes in vs what comes out, and the nutrition the dog gets out of the food. Different things work for different dogs so you can experiment BUT experimenting with a puppy is highly likely to lead to an upset tummy, and some adults too, most dogs aren't the garbage guts' mine are!

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Thanks for the in depth reply. My previous dog was fussy so she got chicken and eventually a special dried food to help with her diabetes so I've never had to become familiar with different foods.

I might do some research on ingredients in the foods as there are soo many on the market. I would be more likely to buy a product if the dog on the packet is cute, just like the my dog dog is adorable.

In the past when money was tight, my turtles were eating live fish, frozen seafood, high quality plants etc while I had 2 min noodles. I would starve in order for my animals to be safe and healthy as they don't have a choice but I have a choice to what goes into their mouths :)

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Oneteaspoon, when researching foods go straight to the Australian manufacture website for each brand and go off the ingredients and levels listed. Most of the food comparing websites go off the American versions and I know a lot of the dry foods have different ingredients over there :)

Edited by LisaCC
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When you get a puppy, the breeder should advise on the food to use immediately . It's best to stay on the breeder's recommendation for a while, to avoid tummy upsets - then, if the food is unsuitable, or you need to change, you can gradually swap . So, chat to the breeder first :)

I agree smile.gif

Some breeders even give you x amount of food to start with as part of their puppy pack. (Miah's breeder had)

Edited by Jules❤3Cavs
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Our breeder gave us a 1.5kg bag of the food she was feeding when we picked up Jager. So check with them first. Check before you pick the pup up so you can have a bag waiting at home and dont have to race around when you realise your local place doesnt stock it or something.

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oneteaspoon, congratulations on your soon puppy arrival!

i'll be getting mine in around 6months or so...hahaha :laugh:

everyone, while discussing regarding what food to feed the puppy(dog)and reading all your feedback, i started to think that i should too starting to look at the food ingredients.

sorry, i might have silly questions here, as this will be my first time having a puppy and i used to live in South East Asia where poeple will just feed rice & meats (whatever we eat) to the dogs...i know this might sound horrible..but back in my place, not a single puppy/dog food available unless we have to fly to capital city and buy it.

- what sort of ingredients are good or bad for the puppy(dog)?

- i have been reading to give puppy/dog raw chicken necks, won't the puppy/dog get Salmonella thing to their system?

- dry or wet food better?

thank you all!

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- i have been reading to give puppy/dog raw chicken necks, won't the puppy/dog get Salmonella thing to their system?

Dogs systems are made to digest raw foods. The acidity of the stomach is more then that of us IF you condition them to take raw foods. A totally processed diet decreases stomach acid production which means a stomach environment that cannot kill off a few bad bacteria. Little bits of raw stuff every day is better for your dog and your system at a minimum, if you don't want to feed a totally raw diet.

I don't use canned foods, frankly I consider them overcooked, overpriced scraps. In leaner times I made my own home made diets and added a complete vitamin, now I use the Vets All Natural because it's a complete diet when I add the meat of my choice. I don't believe in 100% dry food diets, imagine eating the same processed food every single day of your life.

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