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Home To House Full Of Wee... 3rd Time This Week


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I feel your pain we had the same problem until our last rescue boy left, too many boys in competition with each other. Once one did it the others would too I nearly had a mental breakdown.

I tried vinegar/water solution, wasted money on urine off but neither worked well on soft furnishings then I came across a product that is wonderful gets rid of all odour and leaves a really nice smell, I have a few grooming clients use it and they have been exceptionally happy.

It is called 'No vac foam carpet sanitiser and deodoriser' it is the fresh pet one, in a blue spray can and its available at woolworths. I have also used it on the mattress after my daughter wet the bed with excellent results.

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Thanks everyone - Woolies is around the corner - will try and get there this morning. Christina that makes sense - with all going on around here with Mac and Sarah its like an attention seeking toddler! Assuming Andy is the culprit.

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Thanks Perse - yes possible but I think it's unlikely as I've had him checked a couple of times. More likely behavioural I think but will have him checked again.

Have toiletted them all and reinforced them all for outside wees and poos and left Andy with a belly band on while I go to the football. Ive also started restricting their access but didnt want to be too cruel since Sarah had her op yesterday.I rang around this morning looking for Delete and Urine Off - can get the Urine Off but Woolies was closer so trying the 'No vac' spray stuff RMS suggested first (I need quantity!!!). I've sprayed three cans of the stuff around - two on the lounge including both sides of the seat cushions and one on the floors - and have a back- up can or two. I'll do a really good floor clean as well tomorrow. Have washed the wee'd on dog bed as well.

Phew! So lets see how it all is when I get home.

Thanks everyone - really appreciate your suggestions and support after almost seriously losing it last night. embarrass.gif

Edited by westiemum
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Soda water, or baking soda and vinegar is the wetter way of drawing pee out of carpet and fabrics, but might be worth just doing a test patch first.

Is there noticeably more drinking going on?

Diabetes triggers thirst but also sudden weight loss.

Cushings increases thirst but also a little pot belly.

UTI, or bladder infections causes sudden need to pee no matter how full the bladder is. Be careful with belly bands on a UTI dog, a wet pad can aggravate things.

And if this continues I'd have a kidney function test done too.

Sounds like a long list sorry :o just going through my warning signs for when we get random pees from an otherwise reliable older dog.

Of course there is always the chance that twinkle toes prefers going inside now! Basically that means retraining to use a mat and then gradually move the mat outside with lots of reward for a job well done. :)

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Thanks Powerlegs,

That's really good advice. No, not noticeably more drinking going on. And Mac and Sarah had blood panels and dip sticks done back in June and they were 'perfect' according to he vet so I don't think diabetes is an issue for them. But I certainly should check Andy so a vet check for him will happen as soon as I can afford it. (With Mac and Sarah's recent surgery feeling pretty poorly financially).

I came home from the football late this afternoon to one wet patch on the loungeroom floor. Andy's belly band was still on him and was dry. So suspicious it was Mac who was so soundly asleep in one dog bed in the bedroom that he didn't hear four adults clatter in through the close-by front door on the floor boards. He didn't stir at all when I walked into the bedroom.

I toiletted all three of them,rewarded them, gave them dinner and then all 2-leggeds went out to dinner for 4 hours. I've just got home and Mac was again dead to the world on a damp patch on the on the lounge which smells like wee. He was so sound asleep he didn't hear me bang the front door closed or walk on the floorboards. I had to wake him up. Andy's belly band was dry again and no wee anywhere else. I've just toiletted all three again in the backyard and rewarded.

So, I think I'm gradually working out that its most likely both boys.

But is it possible that Mac is occasionally incontinent when he's deeply asleep as well, even though he's on Stilboestrol ?

Next step is to put belly bands on both boys while I'm out and see if the weeing stops completely.

Thanks again for your help.

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Further update - vacuumed the floors thoroughly this afternoon and then mopped them in a 4:1 vinegar and water mixture solution, got them pretty wet, let it soak in and now letting them dry. So will see how we go. All fine today - but I have been home all day which I'm sure helps. Regular backyard toiletting and rewarding seems to be helping too.

Andy doesn't like the belly band much at all - and it doesn't fit his chunky body very well - might try and get him a slightly narrower and longer one - anyone got any suggestions of where to get them custom made for a reasonable price?

Thanks all.smile.gif

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But is it possible that Mac is occasionally incontinent when he's deeply asleep as well, even though he's on Stilboestrol ?

.. :( maybe the dose needs adjusting ?

Plastic covers on the couches ;) ...or ,if you can , have a look at these . .

CLICK HERE... I use their human bed pads for elderly dogs and cats ... they make very good products :)

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Thanks tons Perse - brilliant idea - ordered! I think they will really help. And yes I'll ring the vet and ask about the dosage. (i'll be back there in ten days anyway for Sarah to have her stitches removed). Thanks again. smile.gif

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If Mac is the main suspect, maybe it might be as simple as a meds adjustment. :) I've not had males on stilbestrol so if you get a chance I'd love to know how it worked for you and Mac.

Rosetta, we have the spy cam LOL, very comforting to see snoring bodies when you're out. Not so good when someone is barking like the world is ending! Great for catching secret piddlers. :D

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Thanks Rosetta - thats a really good idea - assuming the technology is simple enough for me! embarrass.gif

Powerlegs the Stilboestrol has been a God-send. Sarah has just started on it too at age 12 and hasn't had an accident since - and she seems happier - her accidents used to really distress her. And certainly with Mac it might be something as simple as a dosage adjustment. How does your spy cam work? Did you set it up yourself?

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I feel your pain we had the same problem until our last rescue boy left, too many boys in competition with each other. Once one did it the others would too I nearly had a mental breakdown.

I tried vinegar/water solution, wasted money on urine off but neither worked well on soft furnishings then I came across a product that is wonderful gets rid of all odour and leaves a really nice smell, I have a few grooming clients use it and they have been exceptionally happy.

It is called 'No vac foam carpet sanitiser and deodoriser' it is the fresh pet one, in a blue spray can and its available at woolworths. I have also used it on the mattress after my daughter wet the bed with excellent results.

You're the second person I've heard recommending this product in the last 24 hours. Other was for 'doggy smell' in house.

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Make that three! I bought a number of cans embarrass.gif on Saturday as an interim measure as I only had time to get around the corner to Woolies - soaked the lounge in it and put some patches of it on the wooden floor ( yes a risk I know but I was desperate!). It's worked really well and smells good too - so much so I don't think I need anything else at the moment. Thanks RMS! smile.gif

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OK - toiletted all three this morning before restricting them to the kitchen with the doggy door, water and their beds while I went to work today - decided not to put a belly band on Andy. Came home to multiple small wees in the kitchen but at least it was contained to a tiled floor. Contained them again tonight while I went out for a bit over an hour - belly banded Andy and only one small wee which I'm suspicious I missed after work.

Will make sure the floor is clean in the morning, will belly band Andy, restrict them all again to the kitchen and see what it's like tomorrow afternoon. Thanks for your help everyone. :)

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As with Rascal, I feel your pain :hug:. It is years since I've had any wees of any consequence in the house. Every few months or less, I may find one in the hallway - not sure why :shrug: and have never seen the perpetrator.

BUT! The deck is a different matter when it rains. A couple of the dogs will always go downstairs, but once one does it on the deck, a couple of the others will follow suit and if the rain goes on for any length of time, I am close to impounding the lot of them :grimace::grimace:

Your description "Came home to multiple small wees in the kitchen" does not sound like doing a wee because he/she needed to. Sounds more like the sort of weeing they do to make a point. It always intrigues me when we are out walking that a dog can do just a couple of drops and then turn the tap off.

I hope you get to the bottom of it, because I know in the past, I was nearly going crazy too. I was fostering and rescuing and transporting, and the dogs never knew from one day to the next who was going to be around and I think it just had them in a constant state of uncertainty.

Maybe all of this is a hangover from your fostering?

When Rover was an old man, he had to be belly banded at night time, but not through the day, so I have a "wardrobe" of belly bands as well :laugh:.

Edited by Danny's Darling
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Thanks DD - yes I agree - I think Andy was making a point as there was only one little wee in the kitchen tonight that I could find. And yesterday morning as I left having corralled them in the kitchen Andy barked his head off - a real protest bark. Yet no barking this morning. But his belly band was wet and off him but not undone when I got home this afternoon - so he obviously slipped out of it again.

Anyway maybe he's finally getting the message! Must admit its nice not to have wee in the rest of the house as interestingly enough they never do when I'm home.

And I now have Mac sleeping on a proper Conni critter incontinence mat as a precaution.

Will try the same routine with them all tomorrow and see how we go. Champagne when I come home to a weeless kitchen!smile.gif

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OMG! Remind me NEVER to enter into these sorts of threads. I JINXED MYSELF BIG TIME :o:o:cry::cry:

Yesterday, I had cement pathways laid through my garden and have to keep the dogs off them for a couple of days. Luckily (so I thought) I have a large undercover deck and although a couple of dogs would go out in the pouring rain rather than wee on the deck so thought I might have a bit of trouble, they are protesting at their confinement.

About to go to bed, very late (past midnight) last night, when I noticed a wee on the bed. It had gone right through blankets, sheets, mattress protector and into the mattress. Bed stripped and then out with the paper towels and water/vinegar mix. I turned the mattress (slatted bed so will dry out) fresh bedding on the bed and then put a load of washing on.

Going around the house turning off the lights, noticed puddle by the entrance carpet runner. Up with that and hang on the deck, clean the floor.

This morning awoke sniffing!!! Big wet stain right where Tamar sleeps under the bedclothes. Luckily this time only through the fitted sheet and the mattress protector had prevented the mattress getting wet. :(:(

Bed stripped again and put sheet in to soak in napisan.

Came back from walking the dogs to find a flood in the laundry as I'd omitted to turn the tap off :cry:

So here I was, although empathising with Westiemum's pain, being somewhat relieved that I wasn't experiencing it.

Murphy's Law and all that.

Is it too early for a drink?

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