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Getting A Second Puppy

mini girl

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I have been breeding miniature poodles for many years now and must say our dogs and pups do have beautiful calm and sweet temperaments. One of my pups went to lovely owners who do every thing perfectly for their dog now nearly 6 months old well to get to the question a fellow breeder has just had a lovely litter and the buyers pup who I bred is the aunty to the pups and my. Buyers were very excited and happy to take a male from this litter they already have a female both of course will be desexed purely pets. Well they went to a seminar on owning more than one dog hoping to get some good information on what to expect and the best way to enjoy the two young dogs butt to their horror they found that all the information was so totally negative and and all the issues it could cause aggression etc. she was so upset and rang me to ask my opinion of course I have no problems with two dogs I have had as many as 5 only 3 these days but they all get along without a single problem Also spoke to my vet who I have great respect for and he said often its a much better way to go to have more than one dog. Have friends and family who also have more than one dog no problems and have sold pups to people only to sell another down the track. I feel sad that these lovely people have had to be so upset and wonder why such negative information is being given out Maybe it could depend on the dog breed or age but personally cannot see that it should cause all the dramas they were on about.

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I personally don't recommend people get two puppies at the same time. Purely because I find most people incapable of training the dogs separately and making sure the pups have time apart so they don't get dependent on each other. This person sounds like they were doing things the right way though, and did at least wait 6 months to get a second dog.

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There are many pros and cons surrounding owning multiple dogs. There is a lot more to it than just the breed, but that would be a considering factor also. I would say owner's experience, commitment, time, their set up and management skills are huge criteria also.

If a seminar is being held outlining information regarding multiple dog ownership, my guess would be that there would be a broad package of information provided, including pros and cons and so there should be.

Are you certain these owners are not just concerned about the negative information they heard, rather it truly being all totally negative?

Perhaps they are sharing their concerns because maybe you or anyone else didn't offer them any information regarding the possible down sides of owning multiple dogs.

Edited by dyzney
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Current dog would be nearly 8 months when dog number two is to come home. I have looked after their dog while the had to go away on business she is calm and confident and got on very well with my other dogs. They are sensible and I feel would cope very well it's not a whim they had been thinking it through for quite a while.

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