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Reality Litter Pictures


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I can't remember seeing a photo of a puppy litter posted on DOL that shows the messy side of breeding: green placenta stains, puppy pooh, post-partum bleeding all over the whelping box, etc. Except, of course, where people are showing the horrors of puppy farming.

This is a problem because:

1) it gives a rosy, and false, impression of the realities of breeding dogs

2) it leaves us open to attack by the AR types if our pups get observed any time other than just after we've cleaned up.

People must realize that having a litter is a messy business, even for a responsible breeder.

Attached is a picture of Bonza with her litter, four days after whelping . . . she has had enough of nursing for the moment . . . and it's about 6 hours after changing the bedding so there are a few stains around.


I'd love to see some other reality shots of other people's litters.

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I like the natural pics!

I can't imagine anyone would be surprised by the reality of a dog giving birth. I'm not a breeder and have never had any pups, but when I was kid, we ended up with a very friendly stray cat that had kittens in my wardrobe. We didn't even realise she was pregnant, so imagine our surprise in what we found in my sock drawer!

The mess!!

I think it's good let people realise that it's not all fluffy puppies and puppy breath.

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I can't imagine anyone would be surprised by the reality of a dog giving birth.

Look at all the "human births" in the movies and TV. Hardly a spot of blood in sight and generally the new mum is sitting up in sparkly white sheets, hair immaculate and in full make up.

And not to forget the people who think milk comes in bottles and meat comes in plastic wrap.

A bit of reality could only be a good thing.

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