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Missing Pomeranian


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Thanks everyone,

Still no news, unfortunately. Have been out again all day today, delivering more flyers, putting up more signs, listing on websites, etc.

Had a couple of false leads, so difficult, gets your heart racing, then bitter disappointment. Had an awful phonecall tonight from an older fellow in a suburb about 20 mins away, also lost his small dog the week before, reckons there is a dog fighting ring in the area. I cried and cried after I hung up.

It is so awful, I keep thinking I can hear her, rush to the door and of course she is not there. I will not give up and will keep hoping for a miracle. thank you so much everyone for keeping her in your thoughts and sharing on facebook, etc.

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Im sorry your girl isnt found yet. If you think you have been hearing her maybe you are, I would recheck every cupboard and crevice in, under and around your home as she may be stuck somewhere small.

And inside cubboards ( just in case )

our cat years ago spent almost 2 days in the linen cubboard , asleep most of the time and never made a noise

have shared on my FB page also as have friends up QLD way

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So sorry to hear there is no news and for that awful phone call :cry: Have you talked to the local police about any reported dog thefts? Also enquire if they are aware of any puppy farms in the area.

Could you perhaps put an advertisement in the local paper - picture included?

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Sorry to hear this.Can you do a door knock of the surrounding streets and ask people to check their yards and sheds .Sometimes people will find a dog and just hang onto them particulaly if children say can we keep him etc.A neighbour of mine had her dog taken home by some kids and the parents let them keep it.She saw the dog a few streets away playing with the kids in their yard when she was out walking some weeks later.Luckily the dog was microchiped and she was able to prove to police she owned the dog and got him back.Keeping fingers crossed for you.

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I am sorry you are going through this, my two tiny dogs are a pom x chi and a purebred chi, I go into a panick as soon as I can't hear or see them even though my house and yard is completely secure.

As someone suggested have you checked every cupboard etc. inside your house? We thought we had lost our Claudia a few weeks ago found her in the roll out pantry, she didn't make a sound even though she is normally a yappy little terror.

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Shared on facebook

fingers and paws crossed that you are reunited with her soon

I've shared too.

Years ago now when I was a kid our little dog went missing from our holiday home. Mum found him tucked up in the corner of the built in robe, he never made a sound even though we had called & called him.

Then about 15 years ago MIL was staying & slept in son's bed. The next morning she said she heard strange noises through the night & asked if cat could be under the bed. It had drawers & they were closed, so I said no. I had closed it the day before & when I checked the cat was asleep on the contents.

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Hi everyone,

Thank you for keeping Smudge in your thoughts. She is still missing.

After the phonecall last night, I have been told by a number of people they believe there is a dog fighting ring operating in a nearby suburb, so of course I have been thinking the very worst.

She is definately not on the property, I have checked and rechecked and rechecked. I thought I heard her again today, rushed outside and realised it was a magpie. Cried and cried.

Late this afternoon I went walking along the road again, directly opposite from our driveway a dingo ran out of the bush and back again (we are rural). I think there is every chance the Dingo may have taken Smudge. I am going into the bush where I saw the Dingo tomorrow (have arranged someone to come with me) as even though I know she would not be alive, I am desperate for some closure if the worst has happened.

I would rather she was taken by the dingo, which would have been very quick, than for these scum of the earth dog fighters to have gotten hold of her. The local neighbourhood watch lady, who is excellent, and the local police are trying to build some firm details about this dog ring, but when I went to the Toowoomba police this morning they said they had heard rumours, but basically weren't interested until someone gave them some firm evidence.

I have plastered flyers, posters, at every pub, shop, stockfood store, vet, has a colour notice. I have put a flyer in every letterbox in our 40km long street and almost all of the sidestreets off it. I made 10 huge signs today which I am going to put on the major highways close to us tomorrow morning. I already have two massive signs outside our front gate.

I'm not very good at facebook, but have been putting it up as much as I can. I see she is dropping down below on some of the facebook pages - is there anyway of bumping her up, or do I just "post" her again?

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Perhaps I should add this little story at this point. I run Iggy Rescue (with indigirl) and last July we rescued a very sad Italian Greyhound, he was extremely nervous.

He went into an experienced and very kind foster home but unfortunately climbed a high fence to get out. He was gone for many months, the weather was terrible at first but then it warmed up. We thought he'd boil as he was in a coat.

Our foster carers went above and beyond for a dog they'd only had for 2 days - they put posters everywhere for miles around. His story was on Facebook as well. They went out searching - all weekend, every weekend, for months. during the week they camped out if there'd been a siting of him.

In short they were amazing in their search for him. We'd given up hope at Christmas as there had been no sightings of him for a month and it was hot.

Then, in March, indigirl got a call from a mobile groomer who'd been to a job and spotted a dog looking very similar to our lost Iggy. Foster carers went around and it was him. It wasn't easy to catch him at all - he'd been on the run for a long time because of this. Under vet supervision, a sedative was put in his food and that's how we caught him. Rangers and the RSPCA had tried without any luck as the owner of the house he was hiding at had called them - they had no fencing and he was holed up under the deck. She was feeding him which was very kind of her but never got near him in the 3 months he was there.

So someone may have thought they were helping your little girl for some reason and may still be. Keep up the publicity campaign - lots of posters, Facebook and so on, keep going and don't give up.

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Hi everyone,

Still no news, no sightings, nothing. I went searching in the bush where I saw the dingo and could see lots of dog/dingo tracks, but nothing of Smudge and didn't sight the dingo. I didn't think to take another dog (I have other, larger dogs) - to be honest I'd be scared of them getting bitten by a snake, but I might take one over there tomorrow on a leash, then at least he couldn't go racing off and get bitten or attacked if the dingo is around.

I'm not giving up hope, I put some more signs up today and will go out this evening again and put some more up. I was bashing them into the ground on stakes, but broke so many stakes I decided it would be easier to screw them to power poles, so have come home to dismantle them so I can go out later and screw them up instead.

Thanks for the story, Dogmad, I know that dogs do get found months and sometimes even years later. I guess I'm just not very hopeful because she is so tiny and we are rural with lots of bush, snakes, eagles, and now I know, dingos. If she was a larger dog I would have more hope, but she is so tiny the only way she could possibly still be alive is if someone has picked her up. Obviously if someone has picked her up, they don't have good intentions or I would have her back by now, so I can only pray that it is someone who loves animals and will treat her well and perhaps a chance spotting might see her home.

I will do some more facebooking this evening, by now if she was picked up realistically she could be absolutely anywhere in Australia, so now that most of my local area has been covered, facebook is probably the best way to reach a "larger audience", as it were.

Thank you to everyone for keeping her in your thoughts. She is such a special little dog (I know they all are, but she was the light of my life, and such a little character). I miss her so very badly.

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Perhaps I should add this little story at this point. I run Iggy Rescue (with indigirl) and last July we rescued a very sad Italian Greyhound, he was extremely nervous.

He went into an experienced and very kind foster home but unfortunately climbed a high fence to get out. He was gone for many months, the weather was terrible at first but then it warmed up. We thought he'd boil as he was in a coat.

Our foster carers went above and beyond for a dog they'd only had for 2 days - they put posters everywhere for miles around. His story was on Facebook as well. They went out searching - all weekend, every weekend, for months. during the week they camped out if there'd been a siting of him.

In short they were amazing in their search for him. We'd given up hope at Christmas as there had been no sightings of him for a month and it was hot.

Then, in March, indigirl got a call from a mobile groomer who'd been to a job and spotted a dog looking very similar to our lost Iggy. Foster carers went around and it was him. It wasn't easy to catch him at all - he'd been on the run for a long time because of this. Under vet supervision, a sedative was put in his food and that's how we caught him. Rangers and the RSPCA had tried without any luck as the owner of the house he was hiding at had called them - they had no fencing and he was holed up under the deck. She was feeding him which was very kind of her but never got near him in the 3 months he was there.

So someone may have thought they were helping your little girl for some reason and may still be. Keep up the publicity campaign - lots of posters, Facebook and so on, keep going and don't give up.

What an amazing story Dogmad with such a wonderful ending :thumbsup: Thanks for sharing as I'm sure it would help the OP & anybody else in such worrying times...

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