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Dog Buyback Scheme


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Couldn't believe I heard Alan Jones supporting this idea on the radio this morning. I only caught the last half but seriously I wouldn't have thought this idea would get any credence. Makes me wonder what other rubbish I suck up from the powers that be believing they know better. Police the existing laws would be a marvelous idea.

I would support prospective dog owners having to do a short course on responsible dog ownership before being allowed to get a dog. If pet shops could only sell to people who have done the course in the last year or two would cut down on impulse buying as well.

He's as much of a nut as the Murdoch gang. Should all be rounded up and sent to an island somewhere. Perhaps PNG....

Seems that's the done thing now!

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What needs to be addressed is the breeding of powerful breeds and lets face facts that many of these Bully X breeds are purposely bred on aggressive parentage to satisfy the bogan market, or they are result of random breeding's done by people who don't know what they are doing breeding temperament/character mismatches creating fear aggressive or progeny that exhibits high levels of social aggression.........the breeders of these dogs need to be accountable for their produce IMHO.

A few years back now, there were cowboy breeders of GSD's who were putting fear aggressive dogs together as quality dogs of man stopping protection capabilities until the police, military and people tried to train these aggressive lines in bite sports quickly determined that these breeding's were shit, limited in their uses and were poor examples of the breed and given they were pure breed and sought after by professional working dog entities cleaned up these poor breeding's automatically over time as the breeders of GSD's like this had no homes for them if they weren't euthanized in the process from random attacks or biting without provocation, but over time the breed quality dramatically improved to the other end of the spectrum where it's harder to find GSD breeding's with enough fighting spirit to be trained in protection, that's another story.........but the point is, the breeders if they wanted to sell dogs had to tidy it up which they did but unfortunately in the BYB free for all, there is no control over what is bred and who gets them and until some breeding regulations are enforced, this problem will continue as in the BSL situation where any dog of visual likeness to what could be result of a cowboy breeding are condemned without testing which is wrong of course so it needs to come down in by belief to who is breeding this shit in the first place that has consequently affected innocent dogs.

Lets not be naïve to think that these dogs featured in sever attacks, mauling's and deaths are nice dogs gone wrong when they were more than likely purposely bred for the bogan market in the first place from an ancestry of aggressive dog concoctions. Breeding needs to be left to people who know what they are doing and if they breed shit, be accountable for it by legislation.

In essence I agree with you but what about the breeder who breeds responsibly but has sold the dog to people who have decided the dog needs a better aggressive response. I believe there are people out there that get their jollies off by owning a dog that is aggressive.

Plus I don't believe that all dogs can be bred to be unresponsive to all provacation from external influences, unless we give them labotomies at birth.

There is also the factor where a dog has been bred for a purpose has shown no inclination to do what their ancestors have done, then years later (one dog was 13)the "drive" has come to the fore and they have shown enough talent to make their ancestors proud.

I believe given the right circumstances Fido can turn into Cujo just as Little Red Riding Hood can turn into the Wolf. People need to be made aware of this.

Personally I would rather see efforts being put into erradicating the drug trade. I would put money on it thsat one shipment of ice coming into the country would either directly or indirectly kill and profoundly affect peoples lives far more than all the aggressive dogs in Aus put together. Never see much about that in the news.

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Miranda has said that Pit Bull labels APBTs, American Staffordshire Terriers and Staffordshire Bull Terriers. All these breeds and anything like them (she considers mastiffs pit bull types too) are to be MANDATORILY handed in to the council for euthanasia and the council will provide you with a more 'suitable' breed from a rescue/pound and the taxpayer foots the bill.

Don't be fooled by this, her ideas are sick and amount to the mass euthanasia of thousands of innocent dogs.

That would wipe out a big chunk of dogs already in shelters, what a tool

Edited by behluka
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What needs to be addressed is the breeding of powerful breeds

It actually doesn't. The areas that have seen wonderful success with reducing dog attacks have never focused on this aspect of animal management. Improvement in breeding practices is often a nice by-product of models such as the Calgary Model, but it's never needed to be focused on.

A lot of these dogs are purposely bred for aggression and are purchased for that reason.........the owners are not interested in effective animal management, they want a dog at the minimum will intimidate or bite people, protect their property etc.

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What needs to be addressed is the breeding of powerful breeds

It actually doesn't. The areas that have seen wonderful success with reducing dog attacks have never focused on this aspect of animal management. Improvement in breeding practices is often a nice by-product of models such as the Calgary Model, but it's never needed to be focused on.

A lot of these dogs are purposely bred for aggression and are purchased for that reason.........the owners are not interested in effective animal management, they want a dog at the minimum will intimidate or bite people, protect their property etc.

And yet focusing on education, having sensible legislation, giving owners every opportunity to comply and then heavily penalising the few that don't drastically reduces dog bites to an almost non existent level in the community - all without focusing on breed or breeding. Fancy that.

Edited by melzawelza
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Miranda has said that Pit Bull labels APBTs, American Staffordshire Terriers and Staffordshire Bull Terriers. All these breeds and anything like them (she considers mastiffs pit bull types too) are to be MANDATORILY handed in to the council for euthanasia and the council will provide you with a more 'suitable' breed from a rescue/pound and the taxpayer foots the bill.

Don't be fooled by this, her ideas are sick and amount to the mass euthanasia of thousands of innocent dogs.

WTF you are not serious???!!!

That is the sickest most insane, disgusting things I ahve ever heard. All of the gorgeous dogs that would be killed becasue of idiocracy.

OUr Stafford died at 15 having never been an issue and was a lovely dog each adn every day of his life. What a disgrace.

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Miranda has said that Pit Bull labels APBTs, American Staffordshire Terriers and Staffordshire Bull Terriers. All these breeds and anything like them (she considers mastiffs pit bull types too) are to be MANDATORILY handed in to the council for euthanasia and the council will provide you with a more 'suitable' breed from a rescue/pound and the taxpayer foots the bill.

Don't be fooled by this, her ideas are sick and amount to the mass euthanasia of thousands of innocent dogs.

You're right. When something horrific happens, like the dreadful death of the 2 yr old boy killed by a mastiff x, then there's an equally extreme reaction. And it usually comes from someone with media clout but who's also ignorant about dogs & dog behaviour around people.

Same thing happened years back in Q'ld, when a lovely elderly lady was killed by what was said to be pitbulls jumping over the fence from next door. Of course, it was horrific & prevention of further horrors needed to be looked at. But the extreme reaction went straight after the type of dog. And the result was BSL in Qld....which covered pitbull 'types' & an unscientific checklist...all to be PTS on sight alone, nothing about behaviour. At last, even the CEO of the RSPCA spoke out.... that many totally innocent family pets were being seized & PTS. Since then the madness in applying the law has gone off a bit .... but it still remains in place.

Now NSW is having a similar extreme reaction. No analysis of the situation they're responding to.... & the part played by humans. A dog bred & trained for pigging was allowed to be free around a small child.... of the age that's most vulnerable to dogs.

If someone left a 2 yr old child alone on the edge of a busy road... & the child was struck by a car. Would all cars be sent to the wreckers?

It would be such a welcome change to see reactions... & what appears in the press... to be a bit more rational. The Sydney Morning Herald did well, with a well-balanced & informative article in yesterday's paper.

Meanwhile, the worst of stuff like Miranda Devine's let loose, takes up air space from really useful information to the public.

Edited by mita
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