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Carry To School?


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The pen is half built, hubby has been working ALL weekend. Digging is NORMAL for a samoyed and LOTS if not most do it, according to the rescue, they are known to make craters in the garden and dig when bored or alone. He digs his big carpet up EVERY day inside, several times a day, made several holes in the garden when the kids stopped playing and tried to dig the floor indoors already, as well as bit a chunk out of my computer desk. I wish to have a house, so he wont be left uncrated at all at anytime when we are not here.

The rescue when we got our other dog, told me its pretty normal behaviour for a samoyed when left alone, as they dislike being left alone and often dig.

I was only asking if it was safe to carry him whislt unvaccinated fully, not analyse why i wish to crate him. Its my choice to do that and for good reason and past advice too.

how about you talk to some breeders rather then rescue who by their very nature have dogs from unsettled backgrounds. To be frank I think you are going to end up with big problems with this pup if you don't settle down and relax!

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Every question you have asked should have gone through your breeder first. Behaviour, food, vaccinations. You've been given good advice for everything and now you are leaving because you know better due to your research of the breed? Right...

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If my dog was pooping in its crate, digging excessively inside to the point where I couldn't leave it alone, and eating the furniture I'd be training it to not do those things, and asking for assistance, not being rude to those who were offering advice.

But that's just me :shrug:

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Not sure if you're still about Fairystar but here's my 2c, from the perspective of a new puppy owner.

Yes, take your pup on school runs. Great for getting used to travelling in the car & the hustle & bustle of daily life. Even when you get to school you just sit there him/her with the door open watching the world go by - keep it a nice calm outing.

You've asked other questions re your pup's behaviour which I can't help with but I will say, there are lots of knowledgable & experienced people here that can offer you advice. Some of it may sit well with you, some of it might not. No point getting cranky about it.

My method of learning anything has been to choose a couple of people whose advice you respect and who have the knowledge/wisdom/experience to back it up and listen to them. Implement what they tell you and give it a chance to work before you try something else. As for all the other advice, look at it critically (in the academic sense). If it fits with your philosophy, store it away in the memory bank. If not, I have a favourite quote from Robert Downey Jr: Smile, listen, agree then do whatever the **** you wanted to anyway ;) Otherwise, you'll end up a stressball and changing tack every 5 minutes.

Knowing the right thing to do by our puppies can be stressful and I think our pups pick up on that. I hope you get your pups issues sorted out soon & you can get on with enjoying life together :)

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