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German Shepherd Movement


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Yes, the security guards I know that use GSD don't like a lot of prey drive in their dogs.

Yup there's definitely a time and a place for it. The dog's need to concentrate on the job, not go bananas due to too much prey drive. The popularity of sports has also created some dogs with too much drive, some people think it's a brilliant thing. I've seen these dogs fried with E-collars and they still don't calm down. There's a different behind a high drive dog and just crap.

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Please don't get me wrong - I love German Shepherds - but I've been very discouraged lately because the ones I've seen just don't seem to have athletic, straight-looking movement?? Their hocks kinda wobble side to side as they walk, they kinda look like they'd just topple over if you pushed them!? I'm really worried, because I just haven't seen a nicely moving one? embarrass.gif

Is it a sign of hip displaysia or bad breeding or both or what? frown.gif

Does anyone have any videos of desirable movement a GS should have?

I haven't got any vids/too lazy to upload vids of desirable movement (uploaded some pics of my girl instead) but really they should just gait 'normally' like any other working breed. I know they are supposed to have their own individual movement styles but it is still not meant to be how the majority of the show lines gait. To me there are essentially 3 different sub types of GSD now. Show, working and Old Sytle. We have always owned the old style or 'old true' GSDs as they once were, they don't usually have as higher prey drive and are not as full on as the working sheps and are therefore more suitable as family companions. (nothing against the working lines, many of them are wonderful family pets too).

I don't like what the show breeders have done to the breed and it makes me mad/sad that ppl always now say they look crippled and abnormal (which they are). Unfortunately the old style are hard to come by these days. Many of these breeders have a very long waiting list (go figure). I don't often look through the profiles here on dol anymore but I had a quick check the other day and there is a new profile for a dog named Yana, nicknamed yana the banana dog, like its some sort of funny joke that the dog's back is banana shaped in the show stack? :mad

My girl's parents herd on their farm, she is a farm girl and is an old style girl, she has never wobbled when she walks and she has never (and should never) be loose in her movement. I am going to be one of those annoying ppl who upload stock pics just cos I am proud of my girl and her breeders for having the guts to say no to the fashion trends and stick to what a good GSD is meant to be :) The only dog's Thea cannot outrun are greyhounds, or if she cannot outrun them she keeps pace with them until they run out of steam :p

In short, no they shouldn't be as they now are, but don't be discouraged, there are still ppl out there who stay true to the breed, you just have to look a little harder to find them these days :)




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Oh WOW !! germanshep fan.... Your sheps are just beautiful :love: Just when I thought I'd never see a GSD with a lovely straight top line again. Awesome dogs.

I just had a quick look on the GSD puppies for sale on this site out of interest. Geez, I couldn't look for long. As you are saying their backs so resemble bananas

even what look like 10 week old puppies, their stance is so exaggerated I couldn't look at them any more :( And when the handlers are stacking them they seem to be

dragging their hind legs out from under them even further to extenuate it even more :(

I am no breed expert as I have said but it just looks b awful IMHO.

Edited by BC Crazy
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To me there are essentially 3 different sub types of GSD now. Show, working and Old Sytle

Come on ... be pedantic ...

Specialty show

Open Show

US show

German show

British Show


West German



Long coat

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Oh WOW !! germanshep fan.... Your sheps are just beautiful :love: Just when I thought I'd never see a GSD with a lovely straight top line again. Awesome dogs.

I just had a quick look on the GSD puppies for sale on this site out of interest. Geez, I couldn't look for long. As you are saying their backs so resemble bananas

even what look like 10 week old puppies, their stance is so exaggerated I couldn't look at them any more :( And when the handlers are stacking them they seem to be

dragging their hind legs out from under them even further to extenuate it even more :(

I am no breed expert as I have said but it just looks b awful IMHO.

I'm no expert either & this is my personal opinion why they are bred the way they are today. Not that I'd seen many be shown in the past but when they were stacked their legs were pulled out behind them & that is how they look today even without being stacked in that way. And it's just got worse.

Back in 1993 when we were looking for a new puppy my son wanted a GSD so we went to a few of breeders to see if they had any puppies available. The last one we saw had a pup that was blind in one eye & she was willing to give it away to a good home, this after telling us that her vet had said it would probably go blind in the other eye. No thank you very much. She did us a huge favour because that night visiting a friend who said her brother had a litter of BCs. So glad we went that way.

Even after joining my obedience club later that year I don't remember any GSD having sloping backs, that came much later. I'm an old fan of Rin Tin Tin. Was one of my favourite TV shows when I was a kid & he definitely didn't have the roached back.

gsf your dog is lovely & how I remember them to be. I used to go on an OS forum that had a GSD breeder there who sadly passed away. She was always stating that her dogs were of the old German lines & to me even hers didn't have that straight a back.

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Luvsdogs, That GSD breeder certainly did you a favour introducing you to Border Collies :p . And I'm very bias. Yes what your saying makes perfect sense LD. I am another Rin Tin Tin lover as well.

This whole roached back thing is unsightly in my personal opinion as well & it is just really sad because the 'old school' GSD's are such a majestic & regal looking dog. You just don't see many that

haven't been genetically tampered with of late.

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germanshep fan, Thea is just gorgeous :heart:

Would you mind PMing her breeding for me to store away for future reference :laugh:

I've had a couple of dogs like this in the past, lineage unknown, I thought they had all just about died out!

And, yes, agree, with the other posters, having owned both GSDs & BSDs they are quite different.

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Luvsdogs, That GSD breeder certainly did you a favour introducing you to Border Collies :p . And I'm very bias. Yes what your saying makes perfect sense LD. I am another Rin Tin Tin lover as well.

This whole roached back thing is unsightly in my personal opinion as well & it is just really sad because the 'old school' GSD's are such a majestic & regal looking dog. You just don't see many that

haven't been genetically tampered with of late.

I couldn't agree more BC Crazy. :D

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Thanks for more input guys!!

Like I said earlier, I wasn't meaning to offend and tar all of the breed with the same brush. I was just wondering where all the nice ones are because every single one I see out walking (in Perth, so possibly less good breeders/more BYB breeders = dodgy legs) looks wonky. So it was confusing because I'd always seen them as being so athletic and 'sound'. smile.gif

GSF & Pockets - THAT is what I wanted to see! They're gorgeous dogs. My friends are looking after a dog at the moment and I love her temperament but she's got the hip problems :(

It's also really interesting reading about the working vs showing lines.

I quite liked the video of the "ideal" movement!! But that's probably mostly because it actually looks sound embarrass.gif as though it could run like that all day smile.gif

Again I'm sorry that my small sample size got me confused embarrass.gif I was just asking because I was sure it couldn't possibly be what the breed is supposed to be like. I'm very relieved to see that there are nice ones out there!

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See although she is a beautiful dog exactly at what point in time exactly do you think she represents? The original dogs the breed was based on did not have top line like that. Dogs that came later had extreme short legs, or later when they had little depth in chest, or the line that was bred out due to illness?

People refer to their dogs as old style but really what they mean it's a gsd with the top line of other breeds. The gsd had always required a slope. The degree of course can be debated although the standard is pretty specific. It's also forgetting there are different parts that going into making the whole. So there can be different reasons why a dog appears sloped. A gsd should not have a back that curves the other way either.

Of course people select a pet for what they want and so long as it's sound that's where the story ends. Breeders have much more responsibility. Breeding dogs to not look like a gsd (other than markings) is just as much an extremist thing to do as Roach back. Also calling people dogs Roach backed when they are not is offensive to them i imagine. Look at some real Roach backed dogs and you will be able to see the difference.

As I said breeding is far more complicated than " I want the dog to look different, "here I will just put two flat backed dogs together and all will be well". If you want a dipped or complete flat backed dog IMO there are other breeds more suited.

In case people are wondering my ideal dog is the non extreme gsd with a good temp. Not flat. Not crazy sloped. I assume it's my responsibility when buying a pup to buy a dog like this as to avoid continuing the extremes. Yes it takes some research but then i would be doing that anyway and not expect to find the perfect pup/breeder straight away.

Edited by Akayla
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Scootaloo no you're right they should be firm and if they are wobbling when they walk that sounds pretty bad. Watching the open dog ring on a hot day while the judge keeps the dogs moving helps show the difference between a well built animal and those who struggle. I remember one show we all basically cheered on the top two. They were such fine animals they just wanted to go and go making it really hard for the judge and of course the handlers :laugh:

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