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How Much Food


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It really depends on what brand you're feeding. I can't remember what amount Cleo had now but you do reduce the amount of kibble if you give extra in the form of meat/barf etc.

The recommended feeding amount is really just a guide, I would follow it and adjust accordingly - that's what I've always done.

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If your puppy is eating it all ..it's not too much. A good kibble and some meat .. young puppies will eat lots ..you pretty well cannot overfeed a growing baby :)

Your puppy does not need 'fillers without nutrition' like rice/pasta/veges .... as extras... growing pups need good quality food that their bodies can utilise :)

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What is the reasoning behind feeding rice? I wouldn't bother it is just a filler and has no real nutritional benefit. If you don't want to feed 100% raw mix the biscuits with raw food, natural yoghurt, sardines, raw egg etc and feed raw meat bones too.

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