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I Did It - New Lens...


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Using a neck strap tlc... but funnily enough my neck is't sore - probably because I was supporting the weight of the camera by holding it up a bit when I was walking about.

My back and legs are a bit stiff this morning, and the wrist is niggly - but nothing an anti-inflam tablet won't fix... *grin*

No Golden Tamarin or Crab-Eating Macaques there at all Katdogs... or there would definitely have been photos...

I kept going back to the tigers to see if there was anything happening, but the lazy buggers slept right up the back of the enclosure most of the day... and when they finally did start moving about, they had attracted a crowd of people putting their kids up against the glass to make nasty slimy fingerprints everywhere - and the sun was in a position where it was causing a lot of nasty reflections on the glass. Interesting to note that this lens can get pics of the tigers sleeping right up the back of the enclosure, but the glare from the glass is a bit of an issue with shots at that distance (could probably be fixed easily enough with post processing though).

It's really amazing how many iphone happy snappers will barge in front of you when you are lining up a shot - I had to delete a lot of back of head shots from the rude buggers popping up in front of the camera just as I pressed the button to take the shots. There were a few people who couldn't get their kids close enough to see a few times, and I let them in front of me - all I asked is that they didn't lift the kid into my field of view... most complied happily, and we all got to see what we wanted to see.

It's definitely harder to get great focus handheld at full zoom with this lens. For a start, the weight alone makes it harder to hold up for any extended period, and you start to get a bit of arm tremble going on. Jostling for position and being barged about by iphone happy snappers and people with kids who think that it's their right to barge right up to the front of any exhibit doesn't help either.

One thing that did impress was all the other people with decent camera gear who all happily shared or swapped positions so each could get their nice shots... I had a good position a few times and saw a couple of people having difficulty getting access, so I took a few shots then asked them if they'd like my spot for theirs - it's like being part of a special "club" when you have nice camera gear - others with similar seem to be a lot more accommodating and friendly - must be that they understand the joy of getting a nice shot I reckon.

I had quite a few people approach me with their cameras asking if I could take a photo of their family against the absolutely stunning scenery - which I happily did... it's weird trying to line up pics with those live view little cameras, but they were all happy with the shots... lol!

What the heck - I think I'll strap up this wrist and go again today... *grin*


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Will look forward to more pics.

I use a shoulder strap as I have back and right shoulder issues and I find the strap easier. also love the wrist strap, it makes holding the camera for long periods of time so much easier.

I have a few of these, just the cheap ones

Shoulder strap

The more expensive ones like Black Rapid look great.

Black Rapid

The wrist strap needs to be attached at the bottom via a battery grip or if you dont have a grip you can get a special attachment for the shoulder strap that allows a wrist strap to be attached.

Wrist Strap

The attachment like the one on this strap can be used for the wrist strap if you don't have a battery grip.

wrrist attachment

I have been shooting for 2 hours constantly this morning without the wrist strap as I took my battery grip off and I didnt' realise how much I rely on it.

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Lions and Tigers were dozing today... but the Gorillas and Chimps more than made up for that... *grin*

Anyone ever seen a Giant Tortoise fight? I have now... all in slo-mo... lol!

The Snow Leopards were way cool today - the female is in season, and the male seriously is not taking his eye off her. Got some nice pics of her response to his constant attention... she was a little miffed to say the least. I didn't take any of them having a romantic interlude though... I let them have their privacy at that point.

Going through the Chimp pics I notice that I got a little more detail than I expected when looking at the shots of the ones waiting for food to be thrown by the keepers... someone was a bit excited... errr!

There are some gorgeous pics of the Gorillas if I do say so myself - the baby girl is too cute for boots! Apparently the current family of Gorillas are moving to Mogo Zoo this month, and Taronga has new ones settling in off exhibit that will be moved in when the others leave.

My hand/wrist has miraculously unfrozen itself with the workout today, but my calves are not being friendly and my shoulders are a little stiff - a nice long hot shower will feel nice, and a couple of anti-inflams when I get up tomorrow may be a good idea... *grin*

I took 1150 photos today, and after deleting all those I didn't think were up to par I have 690 really nice photos. It's going to be hard to pick only a few of the really good ones to share.

My nemesis is getting good Otter pics... early in the morning, the inside of the glass is all wet and impossible to shoot through, and later in the day, the sun glare off the glass makes it hard to get pics of the fast moving little buggers. I'll keep trying though...

Can't wait until the warmer months when the sun is in a different position - will make taking some photos a whole lot easier I reckon.

I'm going to have a long hot shower now, then will see about sorting some nice pics to share, OK? If it doesn't happen tonight, I'll get them up tomorrow afternoon...


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wow T these are all great

love the 1st one of the tiger, meercats are just gorgeous, the snow leopards are amazing

love the bokeh in the giraffe one, the 4 th monkey one looks like he is laughing

and I love all the gorilla one's

well done looks like your getting the hang of your lens now :thumbsup:

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I'm certainly not "talented"... honest!

I point the very expensive bit of kit in the direction there is something interesting, let it do it's focus thing, then press the button lots - sometimes I make the expensive long thing get longer or shorter too, but that's about it really. I've found that if I take lots and lots of photos around the same time of the same thing, a few of them look really good and are worthy of sharing... but there are a lot that aren't very good too... *grin*

I don't do any post processing either because I'm a completely lazy git... I'm sure that if I did, some of those no so good pics could be worthy of sharing too, but really I can't be arsed at this point to spend all that time learning how to do it properly. Maybe one day...

A new Zoo friend has a little Canon SX camera and she has some really awesome pics from it... check out her stuff... http://www.flickr.com/photos/55369298@N00/ - check out her sets too...

I might pack the old S5 with me next time I go to the Zoo, see what it gives me as well as "The Beast"... it gave me lovely shots a few years back... http://s6.photobucket.com/user/tdierikx/library/S5%20Zoo%20photos?sort=2&page=1


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