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How To Remove Tear Staining?


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I'v done a search but this is a one off tear staining. My girl has never had tear staining, it was all her crying during her recent surgery that has to led to staining. I'm not keen on peroxide so close to her eyes. Is there something that will get it off? It's not a reacurring problem.

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My little JS has this problem all the time. I've heard that bleach/peroxide makes it worse. If it's a one off problem I'd just leave it, after a moult the staining will be gone. I've yet to find a product to remove it as to me the hair gets dyed by the staining.

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I agree, leave it to moult off, or carefully trim the stained hair away. My poodle x maltese gets a little bit of it as he doesn't moult but I just trim the stained hairs away carefully when I groom him, and wipe away eye goobies with a damp baby wipe or my finger when I see them. I wouldn't go using products for a one off situation.

Eta - you could also use a Furminator type tool (gently) on a short coated dog to help pull out the stained hairs.

Edited by Simply Grand
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