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Peeing Inside


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Milo just voluntarily walked into his crate and went to sleep!!! I have been feeding him chicken, his teething kong which he finally noticed about 2 hours ago and a chew bone for the past 20 mins after some play :thumbsup:


Eta pic

Edited by lelu
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When I first bought my Cavalier King Charles Spaniel home at 8 weeks I made a game of walking in and out of the sliding door and saying " wees?" , I made the outdoors a fun place to be, not just a place for her to do her business , also I would pop her outside every 30 minutes regardless of whether she had eaten or had a drink :)

It's easier for me though because I work nightshift and there is always someone home during the day to let her out... I had her housetrained by 12 weeks of age.

It takes a lot of patience , he is still a puppy :)

Edited to add: he is gorgeous and looks a little cheeky :D

Edited by ♦ Marg ♦
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Can I ask how can you tell the difference between him waking in his crate to go to the toilet r just waking up? Late night he woke at 1am, and I took out to the toilet and he went. He woke up at 3.30 then 5, and I didn't take him out because he didn't seem overly distressed. He then woke at 8am so I took him out and he did a wee. What signs should I be looking for when he is in the crate that he wants to go to the loo, rather than just waking up?

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In my experience, if they're awake, they need to pee - at that age anyway! Maybe you've just gotten lucky. better to take him out just in case than to be cleaning up pee in the middle of the night. Their bladders just aren't big enough to hold it long at that age.

It will just be a matter of experience and getting to know your pup. My pup is almost 6 months now, and he will sleep through. But, if I hear him stir during the night I'll be alert, but won't do anything unless he actually stands up, and I can hear nails clicking on the floor - that is code for "outside now"!

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At this early stage take him out every time he wakes up, remember don't play with him. You will get to know the difference, but he will probably also learn that waking up for no reason means going outside in the cold with no fun.

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