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Dog Welcomes After Long Absences?


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Like this, two very different welcomes. Can you tell which of the two is "his"?

I remember someone else on this forum posting a video of their partner being mobbed by the dogs when they arrived home, maybe Nekhbet?

Edited by ~Rumour~
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Last time I collected my dogs after being apart two weeks my JRT was so excited she ran to us, missed, skidded through my legs and hit the fence behind ; p She is clumsy at the best of times lol!

:rofl: Poor Belle, your mum is being a meanie :p

Louis gets very excited every time I come home - Daisy hates me* and only gets up when my OH cames home :laugh:

* Not really, but I'm not her favourite that's for sure!

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Zig near bends himself in half he wags his rear end that hard when I come home after collecting the mail from the mail box (at the front of our house)..

He had to stay with my son on Sunday, while I took the foster to obedience first (for a whole hour). Then my son bought Zig out to me at the obedience grounds and you would think that I had left him for months. He is very vocal, lots of woo wooing and piggy snorts and snuffles.. So everyone knew what was going on. He had lots of people that know him in fits of giggles with his antics on Sunday..

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My german shepherd sounds like someone is murdering her every single time we walk in the door. It is pathetic. My OH took her to the vet once and I met him there, I could hear her from the waiting room talking to him so knew exactly where to go :laugh:. I just said "Hmm that's mine" and walked in.

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Our cat had been in the vet clinic for a few days. She'd been as good as gold & quiet as a mouse.

When my dad came to the reception desk to say he'd come to collect her.... she heard his voice from the cage room next door.

Then she started... 'Dad? Dad? I'm here, come save me!!!!. And went on & on, obviously calling him. The receptionist & everyone in the waiting room collapsed laughing.

Edited by mita
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I was away for 2 months last year and the dogs went completely nuts when I arrived home. Mr TSD picked me up from the airport (in my car) - Em was much quicker to twig that it was me I think. Zig barked his "who's there!!!" bark whereas Em flew up on the lounge (where she can see me coming up the stairs) so hard she smashed it into the wall. One of my cats was wrapped around my neck purring within seconds, another just could not stop trotting and squeaking at me in delight whilst Dizzy just sat and stared for about 5 mins in absolute astonishment before head butting me half to death. Same happened when I was away for nearly 7 weeks at the start of this year - except I think Em had even more training withdrawals than I did judging by her warp speed response when I took her out. When I unpack my suitcases I get a lot of help :D

Edited by The Spotted Devil
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no so much a welcome but a thankyou ...........

I was baording an ex foster dog after a year since being adopted and their other dog .She was a handful and oh so naughty .We spent 10 days playing going to the beach the park etc.

When her owners came to get her she was all over them and seemed a little too happy to be leaving :)

I was leaning over the front gate saying the last goodbyes as they packed everything back into the car .The other dog got into the car no problems my ex foster was all set to jump into the back seat before she stopped turned ran over to the gate jumped up at me licked my hand ran back and straight into the back seat without looking back .

I tell you no word of a lie I swear she said thankyou (in a dog way) And even though she had run me raggered for 10 days because of that one moment all was forgiven and I understood

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I have a GSP...he goes ballistic when I come back from the letter box :laugh:

Apart from being a boxer, mine is the same.

Five minutes, five hours, five days....same enthusiastic greeting. It's wonderful to come home to a joyful dog when you've had a crappy day. :)

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I went to to UK for 18 months in my mid 20s leaving behind the dog I got as a teenager. The first thing he did when I got back was bark loudly at me in complaint.

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