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I Went To Taronga Zoo Again Today


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Oh T you have some pictures here that the zoo should be buying off you for their postcards! I particularly love any photo where you can see individual hairs and whiskers. Like the elephant one - so beautiful. I love the three giraffes all having a chat. So jealous. We have nothing zoo like close by. We do have Steve Irwin's Australia Zoo but there is something about the place I can't stand and it is several hours north of me anyway.

It has been 20 years since I went to Taronga but we used to go regularly as kids and I can remember we'd catch the ferry across and come into this big round, stone building down near the water that had these big open fish tanks. They were huge and I can't remember if there was glass panelling down below or whether they belonged to the zoo or were just sea life that used to hang out there for food. I'm talking about back in the late 60s, early 70s. Does anyone else remember it? Is it still there? I don't recall seeing it 20 years ago is all and I'm pretty sure I caught the ferry over that day too.

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LG - if you ever get your butt down to Sydney for a few days, we must go to the Zoo together... I'll know all the best views by then and will happily show you around...

... and if you like the pics in this thread, you're going to love the ones that my new longer zoom lens gave me in the other thread... *grin*

As for selling my photos... errr... but I'd happily give them to the Zoo people to use if they wanted them. Anything that helps them raise money to keep all those animals happy and healthy would be an honour I reckon. Did you know that Taronga is a not-for-profit orginisation? Awesome!


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Wow! They have done an amazing job for so many years if they are not for profit! That blows me away! Next time go into the gift shop and see what their postcards look like. Maybe you can do a fundraising calendar for them for 2014? I also think it's great you met other regular snappers there. It could be something very soothing to do - just like some people like to go and lie on the beach it would be amazing to just go and stand in front of say the giraffes and watch them do their thing!

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My favourite is the three giraffes heads.

I had a giraffe place it's head next to mine once, one of my best memories. He could have sent me flying with the power, but nope he was quite content giving a head cuddle.

Thx for sharing............. :D

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