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Another Poo Question ...


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Misha has often had thick mucous on the last section of her poo followed by a tiny bit of liquid poo. I haven't worried about it because it isn't constant.

But she has had very explosive poos Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday this week. Not true diarrhoea but almost runny.

I gave her nothing but fluids for 24 hours from after her meal on Wednesday night, then fed her rice, pumpkin & steamed chicken Thursday & Friday night.

Her poos Friday morning & this morning (Saturday) had a dark section at the beginning followed by a soft orange section.

The dark sections are very firm and consist of what is probably matted fur but looks like felt.

Yesterday the dark section also contained paper & black plastic!

She is 2 years old and stopped ingesting indigestible objects 12 months ago or more. But she is an itchy girl and does occasionally chew herself. She always licks her paws when we get home from a walk.

Because she is actually using her bowel and is normal in all other respects I am torn between 'wait & see' and 'off to the vet we go'.

Your advice or similar experiences will be appreciated.

Edited by lou_x
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I would consider a vet visit tomorrow (not urgent to need treatment on a Sunday night)... the beauty of chicken and rice is that it allows you to see stool colour so considering you are seeing abnormalities in the stools and things aren't settling down I would consider a vet visit. It sounds like she is also still eating indigestible materials so you'll have to do a walk around your house and make sure there's nothing she can get too!

Licking paws after a walk isn't very normal, a quick foot rinse may help remove some allergens after a walk.

Food allergy should also be considered as well - mucus intermittently in stools is also a sign of an unhappy gut. My boy got it quite regularly on one brand of dry food but now I've switched it only occurs when he has an upset tummy from other foods.

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How are things today ? Hope she is feeling better

Don't panic about the different colours as a stand-alone ..... old poo, pumpkin, and light coloured starch stuff will give you a rainbow ;)

The plastic/fur and general upset tummy does deserve a few thoughts though .... she may have now expelled whatever it is , hopefully, and will settle from this event - hopefully :)

With teh odd mucous I've seen it a lot ..and I know with our dogs it is usually a temporary reaction to something different they've eaten . With your girl - try & see if there's a pattern , maybe ?

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Can you identify What she ate?

Do you mean normally? If so, yes

No I mean in the plastic etc that she pooped out. To be able to locate it and see how much is missing.

The plastic and paper haven't come from home. They must have been part of something delicious as she wouldn't chew either substance on it's own. Guess I'll have to be more alert if she forages when we do our routine walk.

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Licking paws after a walk isn't very normal, a quick foot rinse may help remove some allergens after a walk.

Thank karly, I hadn't thought of that, I just assumed she was cleaning herself, a bit like a cat really!

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How are things today ? Hope she is feeling better

Don't panic about the different colours as a stand-alone ..... old poo, pumpkin, and light coloured starch stuff will give you a rainbow ;)

The plastic/fur and general upset tummy does deserve a few thoughts though .... she may have now expelled whatever it is , hopefully, and will settle from this event - hopefully :)

With teh odd mucous I've seen it a lot ..and I know with our dogs it is usually a temporary reaction to something different they've eaten . With your girl - try & see if there's a pattern , maybe ?

thanks perse, the explosive poos ceased after starting her on the bland diet. I'm hoping she has expelled all the foreign substances. It's all a bit baffling.

Last night I started changing her slowly from bland to normal diet. I'll monitor for cause and effect with the mucous.

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