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Constant Diarrhea


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The last couple of months my 9 year old Golden Retriever has had constant diarrhea. I try to change his diet as little as possible. Apart from that he's normal, is wormed regularly and there's no blood in his poos. What could be causing this and what can I do to firm his poos up?

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..and the vet's report ? It's almost impossible to make a guess, as diarrhoea has a multitude of causes ..... get a clean sample, and maybe get tests done - then you will know exactly what's happening :)

apology .... computer thinks it's Friday or something ;)

Edited by persephone
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I wont be able to get him into the vets till next week but last time they said it might have been something that was upsetting his stomach so they gave me some different food ( cant remember what it was called ) and he seemed ok after that but is now back to runny poos.

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Whitney was like this (not constant, but on and off) and the vet suggested a food allergy.

We have her on a "allergy kibble" and fresh meat and veggies, and she has improved immensely. We are trying to isolate what she is allergic to, so are introducing different things into her diet every 2 weeks to see if she has a reaction, but so far so good. She is also itchy, but not sure if that's food related (don't think so) or environmental as she is itchier when I have bad hay fever!

It's worth getting his poo checked for bacteria, etc. Whitney's was clear, so food allergy was the next thing to look at. Apparently the allergy can develop, so it may be something she has always been eating, but just started to react to.

Good luck!

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Not sure I'd want to be waiting another week to get them to the vet if they've been having diarrhea consistently. What about trying some bland boiled chicken and rice for a while, see if that settles? And make sure he's getting enough water as diarrhea can cause dehydration.

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There can be many causes & i would certainly be looking at what you feed & that includes all treats,chews,bones & anything else it gets .

As dog age some just can't handle some foods anymore .

I also have dogs that when they have pulled muscles or are sore they get the runs so i head off to my bowen person .

Add pumpkin to the diet the best to assist in firming stools far better than rice .

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