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Barking And Toilet Problems


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Hi I am in urgent need of advice, i have recently moved into an apartment (rental with carpet)with 2 cavies both boys 9 and 14 years old. The 9 year old has adapted well now to the new toilet arrangment which is a courtyard with the door left open when i am not around. The 14 year is having issues. I am leaving the door open for them when i am not around and their water bowl is out in the same area. WHilst i have tried the constantly putting him out there and rewarding him when he goes go it doesn't seem to be getting through and every day i come home to a wee on the carpet which I am cleaning up when i get home for work. As an example this morning i put him out several times when we first got up and he kept coming back inside after i came out from the bathroom he had gone inside the house. The other problem i have is he is a barker. I have tried locking them out for the day only to come home to a note on the door with a complaint. On the weekend i bought a citronella collar which he doesn't seem to be the slghtest bit put off by he just barks through the mist unfazed. He is old but generally in pretty good health, he can go through the night without needing to go out at all. Any suggestion of how or what to do will be gratefully received.

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Only suggestion regarding toileting is when you get up in the morning, take him outside and stand outside with him until he goes. Seeing as he has held it all night it wont take long for him to go in the morning. Just stand around and wait. When he does go, make a fuss of him and treat him so he knows he has done the right thing. If he can hold all night he should be able to hold while you are at work so do the same when you get home.

Cant help with the barking though.

Good luck and i am sure that there will be plenty of others that will offer suggestions for you.

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At 14 it will take longer for him to get used to things. Give him some time.

Instead of a citronella collar you should try a thundershirt and a DAP diffuser (thundershirts online and DAP diffusers online or from your vet clinic).

Block carpeted areas for now with either temporary wooden baby gates (cheap) or metal baby gates with the door built in, it can be a permanent fixture and extensions can be added to the metal gates.

Make sure there are adequate warm comfy beds both inside and outside for the old boy, this may mean adding more to what they already have for now.

If this is not improving then you need to see your vet, as while he seems fine, his barking may be due to loss of brain function - normal in old age - or anxiety. A barking collar will not help him feel calmer, and that is what he needs right now.

Another option, if it's available to you, is to take a few days off work and spend it at home with your dogs. Number one it may ease the transition for the old boy and number two it will enable you to see and hear what goes on around your apartment during the day (particularly noise) that may be upsetting him.

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