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Someone Is Trying To Rehome A Malinois


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I know this is in the wrong section but I want as many to see as possible so someone with breed experience might be able to help.

There is a lady on FB trying to sell her Malinois (due to it annoying the neighbours because it doesn't get any exercise or attention) and its currently in the pound. They don't have the money to get it out yet but say they will soon and want to sell it.

If anyone is able to assist or has any contacts up here that could help please let me know and I can pass on details.

I really don't want this dog going to the wrong home and they are making light of exactly how much work this breed can be :(

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OMG, I don't think I have ever seen a Malinois in the pound..

I think K9 Pro and or Huski here on the forum have a bit to do with the breed, maybe they know of a breed specific rescue (in case the owner doesn't get it out of the pound and it goes up for sale)..

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It's male and was purchased from a breeder in WA 3 yrs ago. Apparently they offered it to the Police last year and they took it on a trial but gave it back after a couple of weeks as it was not suitable. She is saying it was because it wasn't 'viscous' enough to be a police 'attack dog'!

I'm trying to get more info without upsetting her in case I can find someone to help.

ETA - he is desexed, microchipped and vaccinated. A local rescue group has offered to take him and foster him while looking for a new home but I doubt any of the foster carers have the kind of experience or knowledge to really be able to find the best home for him. It is a small group that relies on strangers to open their homes to take in animals.

I once offered to take on a pregnant cat and she had been delivered to my house the same day with no checks and little conversation. Kittens were born 2 days later and there was minimal contact from the group until my husband cracked it and said they had to go (kittens were almost 8 weeks ld by this stage)

Edited by Remarkabull
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I am with breed rescue in NSW but can find out if anyone has any contacts up there.

Do you know who bred the dog? First port of call would be to contact the breeder.

I suggested that but don't think they have/will. All they said was the breeder was a guy from WA who bred them for the police force and they purchased him as a pup almost 3 years ago.

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I'd be happy to get him out of the pound and to take him to airport but there has been a lot of interest in him apparently and I think she may have found a home for him. I really hope they can give him what he needs.

Ill keep checking and if anything changes ill let you know.

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At least he's desexed. The Belg club of NSW do Mals, I'm trying to coordinate Working Belian Malinois rescue down here in Vic as they're becoming dumped at an incredible rate down here, along with crosses. If not, there is a chance for a better home in QLD/NSW then in NT.

If he does go to Rescue get them to email me and I'll give them all the support they want and write up a regime for them. I offer free support for rescue if they take in a Malinois. I've been in the breed 10 years as well as protection training and other sports. A few have been in rescue over the years, one rescue has had one for almost a year in Melb, they're notoriously hard to rehome as well down here, part of it is their reputation (and the fact they carry on like pork chops for no reason) the other is a lack of suitable retraining.

I myself have one from the pound, she had the drive literally beaten/fried out of her and was dumped in the country to starve to death. There have been 2 other pure Mals at the geelong pound and a couple of crosses within 18 months.


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The Belg club of NSW do Mals,

This is Sally Rogers who posted as happypawshaven above. Sally is the rescue officer for the BSD club of NSW.

Remarkabull, if the situation eventuates where the dog needs rescue, contact Sally on 02 66449936. Sally has taken Belgians from NT before. I am happy to chip in for a flight.

Unfortunately while the Groenendael is mainly represented in pounds, Malinois are popping up more & more. I sincerely hope we don't reach the levels of abandonment of the US where the Malinois variety has gained popularity due to being made famous as the dog used by the Navy seals to capture & kill Bin Laden :(

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Malinois are popping up more & more. I sincerely hope we don't reach the levels of abandonment of the US where the Malinois variety has gained popularity due to being made famous as the dog used by the Navy seals to capture & kill Bin Laden

They're the new tough fashion dog. Rare breed, google the photos and all you get is Sch/KNPV/LE, phwaar let's get us a tough dog to guard the place. Enough BYBers out there too breeding bad temperament dogs. There's a couple of old stud dogs that really screwed a lot of Malinois, there are lines I would not touch with a 10 foot pole. Dog gets out of control quickly, bites the owner, bingo bango, young dogs free or dumped because few people know how to train or manage them.

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Malinois are popping up more & more. I sincerely hope we don't reach the levels of abandonment of the US where the Malinois variety has gained popularity due to being made famous as the dog used by the Navy seals to capture & kill Bin Laden

They're the new tough fashion dog. Rare breed, google the photos and all you get is Sch/KNPV/LE, phwaar let's get us a tough dog to guard the place. Enough BYBers out there too breeding bad temperament dogs. There's a couple of old stud dogs that really screwed a lot of Malinois, there are lines I would not touch with a 10 foot pole. Dog gets out of control quickly, bites the owner, bingo bango, young dogs free or dumped because few people know how to train or manage them.

I have no doubt there are plenty of people contacting her to take the dog and it scares the shit out of me! I'd much prefer an experienced rescue to take it and find a good home but its not up to me and she hasn't contacted the breeder :(

I'd take it myself and then pass it on to one of the above mentioned rescues but I worry that it would get out of my yard plus I don't have anywhere to keep it separated from my dogs while I'm at work. All I can do right now is hope that whoever takes it can provide a good home.

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It would totally break my heart if Mallies became as watered down and in a sad state as whats happened to the GSD. Heck, I have Tervs and the thought of owning a Mal totally freaks me out! Hope he ends up with breed specific rescue.

Edited by Mashlee08
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Guest Clover
:( I hope the poor dog gets a decent home. I'd love a Mal one day as well, but just don't have the time for training at the moment or any time soon :(.
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I have no doubt there are plenty of people contacting her to take the dog and it scares the shit out of me! I'd much prefer an experienced rescue to take it and find a good home but its not up to me and she hasn't contacted the breeder :(

I'd take it myself and then pass it on to one of the above mentioned rescues but I worry that it would get out of my yard plus I don't have anywhere to keep it separated from my dogs while I'm at work. All I can do right now is hope that whoever takes it can provide a good home.

If he's failed temp he's probably fine to take on. They're not monsters, just fast paced dogs that need a quick owner and don't let them get away with an inch, they take 10 miles :laugh: I've met a few pure working lines that you couldnt make them bite even if it was the last resort for the dog.

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Malinois are popping up more & more. I sincerely hope we don't reach the levels of abandonment of the US where the Malinois variety has gained popularity due to being made famous as the dog used by the Navy seals to capture & kill Bin Laden

They're the new tough fashion dog. Rare breed, google the photos and all you get is Sch/KNPV/LE, phwaar let's get us a tough dog to guard the place. Enough BYBers out there too breeding bad temperament dogs. There's a couple of old stud dogs that really screwed a lot of Malinois, there are lines I would not touch with a 10 foot pole. Dog gets out of control quickly, bites the owner, bingo bango, young dogs free or dumped because few people know how to train or manage them.

Unfortunately here in WA a few years ago, Malinois litters starting popping up everywhere. I don't really recall even seeing a Malinois advertised or a Malinois breeder even listed in WA prior to that. There were regular ads in the Quokka (free-to-advertise classified paper) and it seemed like every time you turned around, there was another new "breeder" advertising ("breeder" as in I have no idea whether they were BYB or registered breeders). As has been mentioned, they are most certainly NOT the dog for everyone, and usually need an experienced owner as they are such a high-drive dog. Thankfully the ads seemed to have dried up over the last year or so, but I shudder to think what the outcome may have been for many of those puppies when people realised they couldn't manage a dog of this breed.

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